When the calculator is first accessed, certain fields are outlined in "red" and others are outlined in "blue". Collectively these fields are referred to as manual data entry fields and can be changed to suit individual needs if the default values need revising. The only purpose of a "red" field is to alert the user that the value of that field is "0" (zero). If its value is changed to something other than zero, the outline color changes to "blue". Calculations occur instantaneously as manual data fields are modified and all affected fields are automatically updated. Computational (results) fields that have been modified are expressed with a "teal" background with white letters and are not subject to manual manipulation.

The calculator is divided into two parts. The top portion is labeled "Duty/Diversion Values to be Applied" and this section defaults to standard values queried from a table when the program is launched. All of these values can be modified as required by the user.

The bottom portion of the calculator, called "Diversion / Depletion Summary for Specified Uses", is where the actual computations occur using data from both portions of the calculator. A value obtained from the field labeled "Min cfs (Div)" is the minimum cfs diversion required to satisfy a use of XX quantity for a respective YY period-of-use.

To use the calculator, change all appropriate values in both portions to see the results displayed in the bottom portion.

Pressing the "Reset" button will return all colors and values to their respective default values.

Press the "Return" button to return to the calculator from the instructions page.

Occasionally the message "NaN" is observed in one of the computational fields. This is an error message which stands for "Not a Number" and is generated because something other than a number has been entered in one of the manual entry fields. NaN's must be corrected before numerical results will be displayed.

To calculate the number of stock ELU's from and given number of stock animals select the "Calc" button. This will pop up a web page in which you can enter any given number of stock animals. After selecting the submit button the corresponding quantity of ELU's will be calculated and the field will be updated.

In an attempt to standardize diversion and depletion values used by the Division of Water Rights, a table of standard values has been created and the calculator defaults to these values. The advantage of using tables is that because there is one and only one value for each variable, all calculations used by the Division to generate documents, aide in completing applications, etc. will always produce consistent results. Additionally, if the value of a variable changes, a simple change in one place to the standard value table is all that is needed to effect all related calculations.

The following table explains some of the default values used by the calculator:

afyr acre-feet per year 723.96695 af/yr
cfs cubic feet per second 448.8311724 gpm
irrdiv Irrigation Duty 4 af/yr
irrdep Irrigation Depletion 2 af/yr
FTdomdiv FT Domestic Div 0.45 af/yr
FTdomdep FT Domestic Dep 20%
PTdomdiv PT Domestic Div 0.25 af/yr
PTdomdep PT Domestic Dep 20%
stockdiv 1 ELU 0.028 af/yr
stockdep ELU depletion 100%

Arbitrarily, the remainder of the uses (municipal, mining, power, other, and elake) are initially set to depletion=50%, start date=January 1, and end date=December 31.