Company Name: Pioneer Canal Company
County 1: Duchesne County 2:
County 3: County 4:
Water Right Area: 43 Irrigated Acreage: 1405.3 acres
Acre-foot Limitation: 0 CFS Limitation: 0
Source: Duchesne River and Rock Creek
Distribution Accounts:DUCHESNE-STRAWBERRY (VERNAL) (Account Number: 100699)
Total Number of Shares In Company:1180 per Share Value Diversion: 4 acft
Company Period of Use: Apr 01 To Oct 31 per Share Value Irrigation: 1 acres
    per Share Value Depletion: 0 acft
Company Comments:    

The Pioneer Canal Company has two classes of stock. There are class A shares and class
B shares. Class A shares come from Water Right Numbers: 43-185, 269, 270, 275, 276,
277, 278 and 280.

Water Right Numbers 43-10967, 10968, 10969, 11124, 12587, 12874 and 12876 are also
represented by Class A shares and were either created through segregations or share
statements so that change applications could be filed based on shares in the company.

Change Application Number a15079 was filed on Water Right Number 43-276 to allow water
(for 15 shares of company stock (for 15 acres?)) to be diverted from the Knight`s Ditch
in Rock Creek.

Class B shares come from Water Right Numbers: 43-1856 and 43-8575.

Water Right Number 43-8575 was created by a segregation so that a change application
could be filed based on shares in the company. (5 acres of irrigation, 5 shares?)

Water Right Number 43-185 is diverted into the Murray White Canal. Water Right Number
43-8575 is diverted from Rock Creek.

Some company water rights have different periods of use for irrigation.

Water Right Numbers 43-185, 275, 276, 278 and 280 have certificated duties of 3
acre-feet per acre of irrigation per annum. The certificates for 43-269, 43-270 and
43-277 do not list a duty.
Company Contacts (Last Updated: Apr 26, 2018)
 #    Title    Name    Address    Phone    Fax    Email Address  
 1  Company    PO Box 164, Duchesne UT 84021      
 2  President  Guy Taylor  PO Box 164, Duchesne UT 84021  4358403725    
 3  Secretary  Betsy Jones  PO Box 392, Tabiona, UT 84072      
 4  Board Member  Farrell Farnsworth  PO Box 111, Duchesne UT 84021  435-848-5319    
 5  Board Member  Ron Potter    4356710488    
 6  Board Member  Jim Rhoades    4357330160    
 7  Board Member  Jason Taylor    8013698622    

Company Water Rights
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity (ACFT)    Flow (CFS)    Source    Distribution
 1  43-185  A7841  Certificated  Sep 03, 1918  0  0.227  Duchesne River  
 2  43-269  A3789  Certificated  Feb 18, 1911  0  1.827  Duchesne River  
 3  43-270  A526  Certificated  Sep 18, 1905  0  1.507  Duchesne River  
 4  43-275  A13644  Certificated  Nov 13, 1951  0  3.87  Duchesne River  
 5  43-276  A1074  Certificated  Sep 29, 1906  0  8.477  Duchesne River  
 6  43-277  A633  Certificated  Oct 27, 1905  0  1.438  Duchesne River  
 7  43-278  A3854  Certificated  Mar 22, 1911  0  0.345  Duchesne River  
 8  43-280  A3854a  Certificated  Mar 22, 1911  0  0.644  Duchesne River  
 9  43-1856  A31043  Water User's Claim  Nov 19, 1964  441.2  1.84  Duchesne River  
 10  43-3808  A36591  Rejected  Dec 04, 1964  0  4  Duchesne River  
 11  43-8575  A31043  Water User's Claim  Nov 19, 1964  20  0.08  Rock Creek  
Share Statements Total:
# Water Right Date Filed Share Holder Quantity Flow Source Shares Shares
 1        43-10967  Sep 13, 1999   Hanna Water and Sewer District  47.6 acft  0.308 cfs  Duchesne River  11.9  Move out of the Canal
  Change: f49019   (UNAP)    Priority: Jun 03, 2022  
  Change: t24834   (LAP)    Priority: Aug 16, 2000  
  Change: a23710   (APP)    Priority: Mar 04, 2008  
 2        43-10968  Sep 13, 1999   Hanna Water and Sewer District  312.4 acft  1.26 cfs  Duchesne River  78.1  Move out of the Canal
  Change: t41569   (UNAP)    Priority: Apr 29, 2016  
  Change: f49020   (UNAP)    Priority: Jun 03, 2022  
  Change: t40707   (LAP)    Priority: Apr 01, 2015  
  Change: t42643   (UNAP)    Priority: May 23, 2017  
  Change: a23712   (APP)    Priority: Mar 04, 2008  
  Change: t26820   (LAP)    Priority: Jul 11, 2002  
 3        43-10969  Sep 13, 1999   Hanna Water and Sewer District  80 acft  0.291 cfs  Duchesne River  20  Move out of the Canal
  Change: t41569   (UNAP)    Priority: Apr 29, 2016  
  Change: f49020   (UNAP)    Priority: Jun 03, 2022  
  Change: t40707   (LAP)    Priority: Apr 01, 2015  
  Change: a23709   (APP)    Priority: Mar 04, 2008  
  Change: t42643   (UNAP)    Priority: May 23, 2017  
 4        43-11124  Mar 21, 2001   Hollis G. Hullinger Family Trust  4 acft  0.01 cfs  North Fork Duchesne River  1  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a25369   (CERT)    Priority: Feb 26, 2001  
 5        43-12587  Sep 29, 1906   The Dye Family Trust  1.5 acft  0 cfs  Duchesne River  0.5  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a39027   (APP)    Priority: May 20, 2013  
 6        43-12874  Aug 22, 2016   Mesa Development Inc  48 acft  0.195 cfs  Duchesne River  12  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a41935   (LAP)    Priority: Aug 22, 2016  
 7        43-12876  Aug 26, 2016   Farrell and Jolene Farnsworth Family Trust  72 acft  0.292 cfs  Duchesne River  18  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a41953   (APP)    Priority: Aug 26, 2016  
 8        43-13078  May 10, 1989  Ecce Leavitt  60 acft  0 cfs  Duchesne River and Rock Creek  15  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a15079   (APP)    Priority: May 10, 1989  
 9        43-13316  Sep 29, 1906   The Dye Family Trust  4.5 acft  0 cfs  Duchesne River  1.5  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a46866   (APP)    Priority: Mar 09, 2021  
 10        43-13829  Jul 03, 2024   Duchesne County Water Conservancy District  0 acft  0.276 cfs  Duchesne River and Rock Creek  17  
  Change: a51875   (UNAP)    Priority: Jul 03, 2024  
  Change: t51887   (APP)    Priority: Jul 10, 2024  

Exchanges Total:
 #    Exchange
 Priority Date     Status    Applicant     Quantity
  Flow (CFS)    Source    Shares    Share

Total Combined Summary   ACFT     CFS    # Shares  
  Total:  0  0  1180
  Total water moved out of the canal:  558  2.064  140
  Total other water:  0  0  0
  Total water still in the canal:  -558  -2.064  1040

Supplemental Water Rights (Total: 0)
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity/Flow    Source