Company Name: | Pioneer Water Co. No. 2 | |
County 1: | Carbon | |
County 2: | |
County 3: | | |
County 4: | |
Water Right Area: | 91 | |
Irrigated Acreage: | acres |
Acre-foot Limitation: | 0 | |
CFS Limitation: | 0 |
Source: | Price River | |
Total Number of Shares In Company: | 0 |
per Share Value Diversion: | 0 acft |
Company Period of Use: | |
per Share Value Irrigation: | acres |
| |
per Share Value Depletion: | acft |
Company Comments: |
No Comments |
Company Contacts from Old System: |
These Company Contacts are from our old system and may or may not be accurate!!! This information was last updated on Monday, September 22, 2008. |
Over time, the Names and Addresses of the Company Officers will be updated, as that information becomes available. |
President - Dale Mathis 2699 East Highways 50 & 6, Price, UT 84501 435-637-1871 |
435-653-2825 |
Vice Pres - Boyd Marsing 2077 East 1750 South, Wellington, UT 84542 435-637-2781 |
Secretary - Theresa Kinder 1455 South HWY 6 Price, UT 84501 435-67-5596 435-650-8045 |
Treasurer - Robert Thomas 1455 S HWY 6 Price, UT 84501 435-637-5596 |
Water Master - Keith Grogan 1044 West 1500 North Price, UT 84501 435-637-0900 435-820-8479 |
Company Contacts |
(Last Updated: No Date Found) |