Company Name: | Young Oak Water Corporation | |
County 1: | Salt Lake | |
County 2: | |
County 3: | | |
County 4: | |
Water Right Area: | 57 | |
Irrigated Acreage: | acres |
Acre-foot Limitation: | 0 | |
CFS Limitation: | 0 |
Source: | Well | |
Total Number of Shares In Company: | 0 |
per Share Value Diversion: | 0 acft |
Company Period of Use: | |
per Share Value Irrigation: | acres |
| |
per Share Value Depletion: | acft |
Company Comments: |
[KHORNE 3/3/2011 3:14:12 PM]
Per phone call with Andy Wallace 801-583-6077 he is still the water master who over sees the well. The Emmigration Improvement District has taken over the shares of the company which no longer exists (went out in 2007 per business entity search). The water is used as irrigation for the fire station in Emmigration Canyon. All water users are now hooked on to the Improvement Districts system.
Company Contacts from Old System: |
These Company Contacts are from our old system and may or may not be accurate!!! This information was last updated on Wednesday, June 27, 2007. |
Over time, the Names and Addresses of the Company Officers will be updated, as that information becomes available. |
President - Andrew Wallace 124 North Young Oak Rd., SLC, UT 84108 801-583-6077, 598-2481 |
Vice President - Lois Ban 108 North Young Oak Rd., SLC, UT 84108 801-582-6726 |
Secretary - Steve Denkers 75 North Silver Oak Rd., SLC, UT 84108 801-484-5811 |
Board Members - Dan Horwitz, Joe Virdl, James Kay, Thomas Schenkenburg, David Brems |
Company Contacts |
(Last Updated: No Date Found) |