Historic Geothermal Data

Geothermal statutes and rules require that records be submitted to the Division of Water Rights for permitting, drilling, construction, testing, operation, and abandonment. Records which must be submitted to the Division include drilling logs and core record, BOP testing results, casing and seal integrity test results, temperature logs, seismicity reports, stimulation results, flow test results, EGS cross-flow test results, well history, well summary report, production records, injection records, electric logs, and directional surveys (if conducted). As per statute, these records can be held confidential by the Division for up to five years from the date of production/injection or date of abandonment (whichever comes first) at the request of the owner/operator. Records and data for active exploration/development projects and active geothermal operations may still be held confidential as per statute and at the request of the operator. However, much of the historic geothermal records are available and can be accessed through the following links. These links are categorized by Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA) or by the general area in the state in which geothermal exploration has occurred. Other geothermal data sources can be found on the Utah Geologic Survey’s website at this link and at the Utah Office of Energy Development’s website this link.
WARNING: Water Rights makes NO claims as to the accuracy of this data.