A public meeting was held at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 10, 1998 at the Park City High School to discuss water management issues in the Snyderville / Park City area. Presentations were given by William (Bill) Schlotthauer on the State Engineer's interpretation of the US Geological Survey water resource study (Technical Publication 115). Frank Ashl and reviewed the hydro-geology report (UGS Open-File Report 337) and cited several examples o f the stratigraphic ground-water compartments. Jerry Olds discussed issues related t o development of a water management plan for the basin.
Following the presentations, Bob Morgan, State Engineer, stated that eff ective immediately the water administration policy of the Snyderville / Park City basin would be as fol lows:
In an attempt to give interested parties the data and information availa ble on the water resources of the Snyderville / Park City area, the following documents were supplied at th e meeting:
During the question and answer portion of the meeting, several questions were asked or comments made about the sewer system and the impact on the area's water resource s. Generally, those in attendance supported the policy of not allowing additional 1.0 acre-fee t exchange applications to be transferred into the basin. One question was asked about wat er rights with late priority dates acquired to provide water for domestic purposes. If the priority of such a water right does not provide water every year, can the underlying water right be "disc ounted" to provide a firm water supply?
The State Engineer asked the water users to submit comments on any of th e data and information presented at the public meeting. If anyone has suggestions on issues that shoul d be considered in the proposed water management plan, they should submit them in writing. A follo w up meeting will be scheduled in six to eight weeks to discuss the development of a proposed water management plan.