November 23, 1998
A public meeting was held at 3:00 PM on Monday, November 23, 1998 in Room 149 at Park City High School to discuss water management issues in the Snyderville/Park City area. This meeting served as a follow-up to the meeting held on September 10, 1998.
After introductory remarks by State Engineer Bob Morgan, a brief review of the information presented at the previous meeting was given by William Schlotthauer. His presentation concentrated on the hydrology of the ground water system and the objectives of management planning. As part of the presentation, he stressed the questions that need to be addressed in comment letters from the attendees.
Following the presentation, Mr. Morgan reviewed the policy changes that were announced at the previous meeting and clarified some of the details attendant thereto. He stated that he would continue to receive written comments until December 8, 1998; then the meeting was opened to questions and comments from attendees.
The first question dealt with protecting the basin's water supply from the effects of urban runoff. Mr. Morgan said his authority was limited in this area, but encouraged planners to give this issue serious attention.
The second questioner asked if the minutes of the previous meeting would be provided to attendees. Mr. Morgan said the minutes have been available on the Division's Internet site for at least a month and those who have submitted requests by phone have had copies mailed to them.
The third question dealt with the issue of instream flows. Mr. Morgan reviewed the conditions under which in-stream flow rights are handled.
The fourth question dealt with where the planning was to go from here. Mr. Morgan said that a written policy will be forthcoming after the comment period is over. He further stated that basing the management plan on ground-water compartments would be difficult to administer with the available data. He said that the development of approved water rights would proceed, but would be monitored closely with respect to both quantity and quality.
The fifth questioner asked when the State Engineer would begin requiring sewage effluent to be returned to the basin of its source. Mr. Morgan said this would be considered in the evaluation of future change applications and that metering of sewage flows might be required.
The sixth and seventh questions dealt with the short period of record of the data collected by the USGS in preparing Technical Publication 115. Mr. Morgan stated that he would weigh their data and that collected by the Division in administering the basin's water. Additional data will be collected as needed and all large diversions, especially wells, will be metered.
Mr. Morgan closed the meeting by stating that the minutes of this meeting, a listing of attendees, and copies of the visual aids will be made available on the Division's Internet site.