(WARNING: Water Rights makes NO claims as to the accuracy of this data.) RUN DATE: 07/17/2024
RECHARGE APPLICATION NUMBER: RC001                                             REGIONAL OFFICE: Utah Lake -- Jordan River
UNDERLYING WATER RIGHTS FOR THIS RECHARGE APPLICATION*******************************************************************************

NAME: Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
ADDR: 8215 South 1300 West
      West Jordan, UT 84088
OWNER(S) OF LAND TO WHICH WATER IS TO BE RECHARGED:********************************************************************************

NAME: Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District #1
ADDR: 8215 South 1300 West
      PO Box 70
      West Jordan, UT  84084-0070
REMARKS: Injection Well I-1 and Filtration/Disinfection Facilities

NAME: Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District #3
ADDR: 8215 South 1300 West
      PO Box 70
      West Jordan, UT  84084-0070
REMARKS: Injection/Recovery Well I/R-2 and Monitor Well M-2

NAME: Shopko Stores, Inc.
ADDR: 700 Pilgrim Way
      PO Box 19060
      Green Bay, Wisconsin  54307-9060
REMARKS: Monitor Well M-3

NAME: USA Bureau of Reclamation
ADDR: Utah Projects Office
      302 East 1860 South
      Provo, UT  84606-6154
REMARKS: Monitor Well M-1 and Chemical Feed Station Site
APPLICATION PROCESSINGS DATES, ETC.*************************************************************************************************
FILED:     01/28/1991|PUB BEGAN: 10/31/1991|PUB ENDED: 11/14/1991|NEWSPAPER:  Deseret News
ProtestEnd:12/13/1991|PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:01/17/1992|PROOF DUE:  02/29/2032
EXTENSION:           |PROOF SUBM:          |CERT ISSUE:          |LAP, ETC:            |LAPSE LETR:
RECON REQ:           |TYPE: [             ]
Status: Approved                    
GROUND WATER BASIN******************************************************************************************************************
Ground Water Basin: Southeast Salt Lake County Principal Aquifer
QUANTITY & LOCATION OF WATER TO BE RECHARGED*** MAP VIEW ************************************************************************
FLOW: 9.36 cfs OR 1430.0 acre-feet                 SOURCE: Provo River & Deer Creek Reservoir
COUNTY: Utah         COMMON DESCRIPTION: Southeast Salt Lake Valley

POINT OF RECHARGE -- UNDERGROUND:  (If link is present, it indicates additional well data is available.)
(1) N  107 ft E  965 ft from S4 cor, Sec 03, T  3S, R  1E, SLBM 
DIAMETER OF WELL: 20 ins. DEPTH: 910  to      ft. YEAR DRILLED:      WELL LOG? No   WELL ID#: 1296
          Comment:          Injection Well (715 acre-feet)
(2) N   65 ft W 2010 ft from E4 cor, Sec 10, T  3S, R  1E, SLBM 
DIAMETER OF WELL: 20 ins. DEPTH: 950  to      ft. YEAR DRILLED:      WELL LOG? No   WELL ID#: 1297
          Comment:          Injection Well (715 acre-feet)
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT***********************************************************************************
                               NORTH-WEST¼       NORTH-EAST¼       SOUTH-WEST¼       SOUTH-EAST¼
                               NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE
Sec 10 T  3S R  1E SLBM       *  :  :  :  *     *  :  : X:  *     *  :  : X: X*     *  : X:  :  *
WATER BALANCE **********************************************************************************************************************
LOSS FACTOR:    0%    WAIT TIME:     months     Month of Loss:          Total Water Balance:          0.00000 acre feet.
For Additional Information regarding WATER BALANCE, etc., CLICK HERE
OTHER COMMENTS**********************************************************************************************************************
     This Recharge Permit Application was originally filed as Water Right 57-10288

     Artificial Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project Application
     Groundwater Recharge Permit #1
     Groundwater Recovery Permit #1

     The source of recharge water proposed to be stored underground via injection
     is the Provo River from Deer Creek Reservoir as evidenced by ownership of
     stock in Provo Reservoir Water Users` Company under Change Application Nos.
     55-7899 (a14709), 35-8740 (a15039) and 35-8739 (a15038); agreement with Metro-
     politan Water District of Salt Lake City to purchase untreated water in the
     Salt Lake Aqueduct delivered from Deer Creek Reservoir; and memorandum of
     understanding with the Central Utah Water conservancy district for Provo River
     water delivered under the Central Utah Project as described in the Deer Creek-
     Strawberry Exchange Agreement.

     It is proposed to recharge 1430 acre-feet of water and to recover the water at
     a rate of 9.36 cfs up to 90% of the water recharged.
APPLICATIONS FOR EXTENSIONS OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO SUBMIT PROOF********************************************************************
FILED:     04/30/2003|PUB BEGAN:           |PUB ENDED:           |NEWSPAPER: No Adv Required
ProtestEnd:          |PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:05/16/2003|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2006
FILED:     01/25/2006|PUB BEGAN: 04/13/2006|PUB ENDED: 04/20/2006|NEWSPAPER: Deseret News
ProtestEnd:05/10/2006|PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:10/31/2007|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2012
FILED:     01/30/2012|PUB BEGAN: 03/15/2012|PUB ENDED: 03/22/2012|NEWSPAPER: Deseret News
ProtestEnd:04/11/2012|PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:05/14/2012|PROOF DUE:  01/31/2022
FILED:     01/28/2022|PUB BEGAN: 02/18/2022|PUB ENDED: 02/25/2022|NEWSPAPER: Deseret News
ProtestEnd:03/17/2022|PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:09/01/2022|PROOF DUE:  02/29/2032
ASSOCIATED RECOVERY APPLICATIONS:***************************************************************************************************
RC001-001  |FILED: October 28, 1991     |APPLICANT:  Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District     |STATUS: Approved
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