(WARNING: Water Rights makes NO claims as to the accuracy of this data.) RUN DATE: 06/30/2024
RECHARGE APPLICATION NUMBER: RC011                                             REGIONAL OFFICE: Weber River -- West Desert
UNDERLYING WATER RIGHTS FOR THIS RECHARGE APPLICATION*******************************************************************************

NAME: Coalville City Corporation
ADDR: 10 North Main
      Coalville, UT 84017
OWNER(S) OF LAND TO WHICH WATER IS TO BE RECHARGED:********************************************************************************

NAME: Red Rock Ranch Development, LLC
ADDR: PO Box 4902
      Jackson, WY 83001
APPLICATION PROCESSINGS DATES, ETC.*************************************************************************************************
FILED:     02/29/2016|PUB BEGAN:           |PUB ENDED:           |NEWSPAPER:  No Adv Required
ProtestEnd:          |PROTESTED: [No      ]|HEARNG HLD:          |SE ACTION: [Approved]|ActionDate:04/04/2016|PROOF DUE:  04/04/2017
EXTENSION:           |PROOF SUBM:          |CERT ISSUE:          |LAP, ETC:  04/04/2017|LAPSE LETR:05/15/2017
RECON REQ:           |TYPE: [             ]
Status: Lapsed                      
GROUND WATER BASIN******************************************************************************************************************
Ground Water Basin: Wasatch Formation in Coalville Valley�ʏ
QUANTITY & LOCATION OF WATER TO BE RECHARGED*** MAP VIEW ************************************************************************
FLOW: 0.45 cfs OR 13.0 acre-feet                   SOURCE: Icy Springs�����
COUNTY: Summit       COMMON DESCRIPTION: Coalville City��

POINT OF RECHARGE -- UNDERGROUND:  (If link is present, it indicates additional well data is available.)
(1) N 2145 ft E  462 ft from S4 cor, Sec 21, T  2N, R  5E, SLBM 
DIAMETER OF WELL: 8  ins. DEPTH: 600  to      ft. YEAR DRILLED: 1994 WELL LOG? Yes  WELL ID#: 304370
          Comment:          Brown Well
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT***********************************************************************************
                               NORTH-WEST¼       NORTH-EAST¼       SOUTH-WEST¼       SOUTH-EAST¼
                               NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE       NW NE SW SE
Sec 21 T  2N R  5E SLBM       *  :  :  :  *     *  :  :  :  *     *  :  :  :  *     * X:  :  :  *
WATER BALANCE **********************************************************************************************************************
LOSS FACTOR:    0%    WAIT TIME:   6 months     Month of Loss:          Total Water Balance:          0.00000 acre feet.
For Additional Information regarding WATER BALANCE, etc., CLICK HERE
OTHER COMMENTS**********************************************************************************************************************
     SYSTEM OPERATOR INFORMATION: Zane DeWeese, 10 North Main, Coalville, UT 84017,
     (435) 336-5981,

     QUALITY OF WATER: See attached water quality analysis for Icy Springs.

     QUALITY OF RECEIVING GROUNDWATER AQUIFER: See attached water quality analysis
     for Brown Well.

     WATER QUALITY PERMITS: Inventory Information General form has been submitted
     to UDWQ. A copy of the Inventory Information General Form submitted to the
     Utah Division of Water Quality is attached.

     Description of the Proposed Project: The groundwater recharge is part of an
     aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) pilot study being conducted in conjunction
     with the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) with financial assistance from the Utah
     Department of Water Resources. The injected water is from the Coalville public
     drinking water system as supplied from the distribution system.  The water
     source at the contemplated time of injection is Icy Springs. The pilot project
     will consist of a 2 week injection period, followed by a 2 week rest period,
     followed by a 2 week recovery period.

     Design Capacity: The project is designed to inject up to 200 gpm for a two
     week period. This ASR pilot project is not intended to store water for future
     use.  The water being pumped during recovery will be under the authority of
     Coalville City`s existing water rights.  Thus no application has been made for
     a recovery permit.

     Detailed Monitoring Program: Monitoring of adjacent springs and nearby well
     will occur throughout all phases of the pilot project. Injection well equipped
     with totalizing meter. Will monitor total volume injected and pumped from the
     well during the project.

     Proposed Duration of the Project: A total of 6 weeks is anticipated.

     HYDROLOGIC STUDY: The ASR pilot study will form the basis of the hydrologic
     study for full scale implementation of the ASR effort.
     Area of Hydrologic Study: Well and springs immediately adjoining the Brown
     Well injection point.

     Financial Capability: Coalivlle City is a taxing entity with authorization to
     generate funds necessary to complete the pilot study with possible assistance
     from a pending USDA Rural Development funding application.

     Technical Capability: Coalville City has retained JUB Engineers and the Utah
     Geological Survey to assist to successfully complete the pilot study.

     Coalville City`s existing water rights allow for the year round diversion and
     depletion of Icy Springs.
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