November 15,1995


Cedar Valley is defined as the alluvial valley west of Utah Lake which is
bounded on the north by the Traverse Range, on the west by the Oquirrh and
East Tintic Mountains, and in the east by Lake Mountain and the East Tintic

Developments in northern Utah Valley are having an impact on the land use
practices in Cedar Valley.  Land use is being changed from agricultural to
residential.  Studies performed by the USGS and Brigham Young University
indicate that the ground-water resources of the valley are tributary to Utah
Lake and Jordan River drainage.  Hence, additional ground-water development
and changes in water use practices could have an effect on the Utah Lake
System, which is fully appropriated.

Currently, appropriations of ground-water are allowed for single family
residential use where no other source of water is available, except in the
vicinity of Fairfield Spring where no appropriations are allowed.

The changing land use practices and hydrologic connection between Cedar Valley
and Utah Lake have prompted the State Engineer to re-evaluate his policy for
Cedar Valley.  To better manage the ground-water and to protect prior water
rights the following policy is hereby adopted:

1.   New Appropriations

     The Cedar Valley is closed to new appropriations of ground-water.
     Pending unapproved applications for domestic purposes of one family
     filed prior to November 15, 1995, will be acted upon.

2.   Change Applications

     All new withdrawals of ground-water will be based on the acquisition and
     transfer of existing surface or ground-water rights, and the filing of a
     change application.  These applications will be considered on their own
     merits.  In order to better protect prior water rights and public health
     and safety, consideration will be given to residential development as to
     whether the application proposes delivery through a central water system
     and the discharge of effluent through a sanitary sewer system.

3.   Proof of Change

     All proofs of change are requested to state the water right's annual
     withdrawal in acre-feet per year in addition to the maximum allowable
     flow rate.  All maps submitted with proofs of change which involve the
     transfer of irrigation water rights will be required to show the lands
     being taken out of irrigation as well as the new uses covered under

The State Engineer will monitor data on well withdrawals, water levels, and
water quality data.  If in the opinion of the State Engineer the data
suggests additional management guidelines are needed in order to protect the
resources, action will be taken to present this to the water users and the
general public.  Following the public review process, this plan can be
modified accordingly.  All modifications to the policy will be done through a
public review process.