Updated: April 29, 2002
DESCRIPTION: Covering most of Duchesne County, and
portions of Wasatch and Uintah Counties, from T4N to T6S, USB&M. This area includes entire Duchesne River
system from its headwaters to its confluence with the Green River. Major tributaries include Currant Creek,
Strawberry River, Rock Creek, Yellowstone Creek, Lake Fork River, Cottonwood
Creek, Whiterocks River, and Uinta River.
Three major federal projects divert water from this area to the Wasatch
Front. The Strawberry Valley Project
sends Strawberry River water to the Spanish Fork River via the Strawberry
Tunnel (since replaced by the Syar Tunnel).
The Provo River Project sends Duchesne River water to the Provo River
through the Duchesne Tunnel. The
Central Utah Project utilizes both tunnels for its diversions. This area is bounded on the north by the
Uinta Mountains, on the east by Ashley Creek and Green River drainages, on the
south by the Price River drainage, and on the west by the Bear, Provo, and
Weber River systems. The highest point
in the area is 13,528 foot Kings Peak, while the lowest is the confluence of
the Duchesne and Green Rivers at about 4,650 feet, giving a total relief of about
8,880 feet. Click here to see a
map of the area.
No Proposed Determination of Water Rights books
have been published. There are four
state-administered distribution systems in this area: the Deep Creek Distribution
System, and the Duchesne/Strawberry River Distribution System which
are administered by the State Engineer; the Lake Fork River Distribution System,
and the Uinta River Distribution System which are administered by the
District Court. Negotiations with
the Ute Indian Tribe are ongoing to determine the water rights granted under
federal treaties and court cases. Since
this area is part of the Colorado River basin, the conditions of the 1922
Colorado River Compact, the 1944 Mexican Treaty and the 1948
Upper Colorado River Compact and the State
Engineer's Colorado River Policy apply.
Applications to appropriate or change water are subject to conditions
dealing with Green
River Endangered Species Protection. There are approximately 8,150 water
rights on file with the State Engineer in this area.
SOURCES: SURFACE WATER - Surface waters are considered to be
fully appropriated, except for isolated springs. New diversions and consumptive uses in these sources must be
accomplished by change applications filed on owned or acquired rights. Non-consumptive use applications, such as
hydroelectric power generation, will be considered on their individual
merits. GROUND WATER - There is a
limited ground-water resource available.
Appropriations from isolated springs and underground water are generally
limited to sufficient acre-foot amounts to serve the domestic needs of one
family, irrigation of 1.0 acres, and 10 head of livestock. Additional restrictions apply in some areas.
In the Duchesne River drainage above
the Knight diversion dam and on the Strawberry River drainage above Starvation
Dam and in the Hancock Cove area, applications are limited to sufficient
acre-foot amounts to serve the domestic needs of one family, irrigation of 0.25
acres, and 10 head of livestock. In the Strawberry River drainage above Soldier
Creek dam and the Red Creek drainage above Red Creek dam applications are
limited to in-house domestic use only.
Water is available for larger projects on a temporary or fixed-time
basis in the lower reaches of the drainage.
Applicants in the Hancock Cove area near Roosevelt are advised to
construct facilities to accommodate pumps because of large changes in artesian
pressure during times of heavy water use.
Changes from surface to underground sources, and vice versa, are also
considered on their individual merits, with emphasis on their potential to
interfere with existing rights and to ensure that there is no enlargement of
the underlying rights. Applicants are
placed on notice that development should be pursued as soon as possible. Extension of time requests will be
critically reviewed beyond the initial five-year period.
GENERAL: Applications are
advertised in the Uintah Basin Standard or the Wasatch Wave, depending on the
location. The general irrigation
diversion duty for this area, which the State Engineer uses for evaluation
purposes, is 4.0 acre-feet per acre per year (af/c) on the Duchesne and
Strawberry systems and 3.0 af/ac on the Lake Fork and Uinta systems. The consumptive use requirement is determined
from the publication Consumptive Use of Irrigated Crops in Utah,
Research Report 145, Utah State University, 1994, unless the applicant submits
other data for consideration. This area
is administered by the Northeastern Regional Office in Vernal.
REFERENCES: Technical Publication
No. 15, Water from Bedrock in the Colorado Plateau of Utah; Utah State
Engineer; 1966.
Technical Publication No. 48, Estimating Mean Streamflow in the Duchesne River Basin, Utah; Utah
Department of Natural Resources; 1974.
Technical Publication No. 49, Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Southern Uinta Basin, Utah and
Colorado; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1975.
Technical Publication No. 50, Seepage Study of the Rocky Point Canal, and the Grey
Mountain-Pleasant Valley Canal Systems, Duchesne County, Utah; Utah Department
of Natural Resources; 1976.
Technical Publication No. 53, Characteristics of Aquifer in the Northern Uinta Basin Area, Utah and
Colorado; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1976.
Technical Publication No. 55, Reconnaissance of Water Quality in the Duchesne River Basin and Some
Adjacent Drainage Areas, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1977.
Technical Publication No. 57, Hydrologic Evaluation of the Upper Duchesne River Valley, Northern
Uinta Basin, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1977.
Technical Publication No. 62, Water Resources of the Northern Uinta Basin Area, Utah and Colorado,
with Special Emphasis on Ground-Water Supply; Utah Department of Natural
Resources; 1978.
Technical Publication No. 92, Base of Moderately Saline Ground Water in the Uinta Basin, with an
Introductory Section describing the Methods Used in Determining its Position;
Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1987.
Basic Data Report No. 25, Streamflow Characteristics in Northeastern Utah and Adjacent Areas,
Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1975.
Basic Data Report No. 26, Selected Hydrologic Data, Uinta Basin Area, Utah and Colorado; Utah
Department of Natural Resources; 1976.
Basic Data Report No. 29, Climatologic and Hydrologic Data, Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and
Colorado, Water Years 1975 and 1976; Utah Department of Natural Resources;
Basic Data Report No. 33, Climatologic and Hydrologic Data, Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and
Colorado, Water Year 1977; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1979.
Basic Data Report No. 34, Climatologic and Hydrologic Data, Southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and
Colorado, Water Years 1978; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1980.
Information Bulletin No. 21, Hydrogeology of the Eastern Portion of the South Slopes of the Uinta
Mountains, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1971.