AREA 47 - PLEASANT VALLEY and PARIETTE DRAWUpdated: April 11, 2011 |
MANAGEMENT One Proposed Determination of Water Rights book was published in 1964. No final decree has been issued. There are no state-administered distribution systems in this area. Since this area is part of the Colorado River basin, the conditions of the 1922 Colorado River Compact, the 1944 Mexican Treaty and the 1948 Upper Colorado River Compact and the State Engineer's Colorado River Policy apply. Negotiations with the Ute Indian Tribe are ongoing to determine the water rights granted under federal treaties and court cases. Applications to appropriate or change water are subject to conditions dealing with Green River Endangered Species Protection. Click here to see statistics for this area. SOURCES Surface Water - Surface waters are considered to be fully appropriated, except
for isolated springs. New diversions and consumptive uses in these sources
must be accomplished by change applications filed on owned or acquired rights.
A large block of water under the Flaming Gorge Project has been transferred
to the State of Utah and is available for some of these changes. Non-consumptive
use applications, such as hydroelectric power generation, will be considered
on their individual merits.
GENERAL Applications are advertised in the Uintah Basin Standard or the Vernal Express. The general irrigation diversion duty for this area, which the State Engineer uses for evaluation purposes, is generally 4.0 acre-feet per acre per year. The consumptive use requirement is determined from the publication Consumptive Use of Irrigated Crops in Utah, Research Report 145, Utah State University, 1994, unless the applicant submits other data for consideration. This area is administered by the Northeastern Regional Office in Vernal. Other requirements The Water Right applicant is strongly cautioned that other permits may be required before any physical development of a project can begin and it is the responsibility of the applicant to determine the applicability of and acquisition of such permits. In order to avoid delays and ensure that Water Right approvals conform to applicable local ordinances, applicants should contact local governmental entities in advance to determine what ordinances are in place that affect the proposed project and to make sure that Water Right filings conform to those ordinances. The approval of a Water Right application does not imply any approval of a project by any other governmental entity. Approval of the project proposed in the Water Right application should be obtained from local governmental entities as necessary to implement a project. REFERENCES Technical Publication No. 15, Water from Bedrock in the Colorado Plateau of Utah; Utah State Engineer; 1966. Technical Publication No. 49, Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Southern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1975. Technical Publication No. 50, Seepage Study of the Rocky Point Canal and the Grey Mountain-Pleasant Valley Canal Systems, Duchesne County, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1976. Technical Publication No. 92, Base of Moderately Saline Ground Water in the Uinta Basin Area, Utah, with an Introductory Section Describing the Methods Used in Determining its Position; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1976. Basic Data Report No. 25, Streamflow Characteristics in Northeastern Utah and Adjacent Areas, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1975. Basic Data Report No. 26, Selected Hydrologic Data, Uinta Basin Area, Utah and Colorado; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1976. Basic Data Report No. 42, Streamflow Characteristics of the Colorado River Basin in Utah through September 1981; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1987. Endangered Fish Recovery Program Documents, Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program MODELING None available. PREVIOUS PAGE UPDATES None available. |
Policy area in green,
click on the map for more detail DESCRIPTION Located on the southern border of the Uinta Basin in Duchesne and Uintah Counties from T8S to T11S, on the west side of the Green River, this area includes the several intermittent tributaries of the Green River. The only perennial stream in the area is Pariette Draw. This area is bounded on the north by the Uinta Basin, on the east by the Green River, and on the south and west by the Nine Mile Creek drainage. A portion of this area is within the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. The highest point in the area is the 8,200 foot Bad Lands Cliffs, while the lowest is where the Green Rivers leaves the area at about 4,600 feet, giving a total relief of about 3,600 feet. |