Original Posting: September 24, 1999
Updated: July 27, 2004
DESCRIPTION: Covering most of Washington County and the western part of Kane
County, this area reaches from T37S to T43S, and is bordered on the west
by Nevada and on the south by Arizona. It includes the main stem of the
Virgin River from below Zion National Park, through the Hurricane Cliffs
to St. George and south to Arizona. Also, in this area are several major
tributaries: 1) the East Fork of the Virgin River traversing Long Valley
and the White Cliffs area, 2) the North Fork of the Virgin River from
Kolob Terrace through Zion Canyon, 3) North Creek out of Kolob
Terrace, 4) Ash Creek from the New Harmony area, 5) Quail Creek from
the Pine Valley Mountains, and 6) the Santa Clara River entering above
St. George. Several reservoirs store winter flows to supplement summer
needs. These include Quail Creek, Gunlock, Kolob, Ash Creek, and
Baker. A new reservoir is currently under construction at Sand Hollow
near Hurricane. The area is bounded on the east by the 9,630 foot
Paunsagunt Plateau and on the north by the 7,514 foot Cougar Mountains,
the 10,238 foot Pine Valley Mountain, and the 10,027 foot Markagunt
Plateau. The lowest point is where Beaver Dam Wash crosses the border
into Arizona at 2,199 feet, giving the area a total relief of about 8,040 feet.
Click here here to see a map of the area.
MANAGEMENT: Rights in the river and its tributaries have been allocated under several
court decrees including the Santa Clara Decree in 1922 with a
supplemental decree in 1928, the Quail Creek Decree in 1923, and the
Virgin River Decree in 1926 with a supplemental and final decree in 1931.
Water rights in this area are currently being compiled into Proposed
Determinations of Water Rights under the court ordered general
adjudication of the Virgin River. The Beaver Dam Wash and Santa Clara
River Proposed Determination (Book 1) was submitted to the court in
1988 while the North Fork and East Fork of the Virgin River Proposed
Determination (Book 2) was submitted in 1992. No comprehensive pre-
trial orders have been issued on either Book 1 or Book 2.
An Addendum to Book 1 was distributed in September 1999 in
anticipation of a pre-trial order that will affirm all rights excepting those
on which objections have been properly filed. In February of 2002, a
"Partial Interlocutory Decree" was entered by the Fifth District Court
affirming a number of water rights from Book 1. The rights affirmed are
those related to a series of agreements designed to create a federal reserved
water right for the Shivwits Band of Paiute Indians, whose reservation
lands are located in the Santa Clara River drainage.
In June/July of 2000, a Proposed Determination (Book 6) covering the
state originated and federal reserved rights within Zion National Park was
distributed. In January of 2001, an "Interlocutory Decree" was entered by
the Fifth District Court affirming the rights in Book 6.
There are three state-administered surface water distribution systems in
this area: the East Fork of the Virgin River, the Santa Clara River, and the
Virgin River. These systems are under the jurisdiction of the East Fork of
the Virgin River Commissioner, the Santa Clara River Commissioner, and
the Virgin River Commissioner, respectively.
Because this area is tributary to the Colorado River, it is covered under the
Colorado River Compact of 1922 and the Mexican Treaty of 1944.
However, there are no interstate compacts which specifically apportion the
waters of the Virgin River basin. There are three federal reserved water
right agreements in force in this area. The Zion National Park Water Right
Settlement Agreement deals with National Park Service water rights
within the park and affects the administration of the North Fork and East
Fork of the Virgin River drainages. The Shivwits Band of the Paiute
Indian Tribe of Utah Water Rights Settlement Agreement quantifies the
water rights of the Band on the Santa Clara River. The Water Rights
Settlement Agreement for Leap, South Ash, Wet Sandy, Leeds and Quail
Creeks deals with water right claims in the Dixie National Forest on the
southeast flank of the Pine Valley Mountains.
Click here to see statistics for this area.
SOURCES: SURFACE AND GROUND WATER - The waters of this area are
considered to be fully appropriated with a few exceptions described below.
New diversions and uses must be accomplished by change applications
based on valid existing water rights. Fixed-time projects involving surface
waters must be accomplished by temporary change applications on valid
existing water rights, which require annual renewal. Change applications
proposing a change from surface to underground sources, or vice versa,
will be critically reviewed to assure hydrologic connection, that there are
no enlargements of the underlying right(s), and that there will be no
impairment of other rights.
The State Engineer believes there is some unappropriated water available
in the aquifer system of the Canaan Gap drainage east of the Hurricane
Cliffs and on the Beaver Dam Wash drainage. Domestic filings, limited to the
requirements of one family, 1/4 acre of irrigation, and up to ten head of livestock
(1.73 acre-feet), or for an equivalent amount of water for other uses, are individually
reviewed for potential interference with existing water rights, and some
have been approved.
Applications are generally approved upon showing of an immediate need
for water and with the presumptions that the applicant has all necessary
resources and authorities diligently develop the proposed beneficial uses
of water and to file proof. Typically, a period of five years is allowed for
full development with extensions of time granted only under unique
circumstances clearly beyond the control of the applicant.
GENERAL: Applications are advertised in the Spectrum/Daily News or the Southern
Utah News, depending on the county in which the water is to be diverted.
Filings that may involve the diversion of water in Utah for use in Arizona
or Nevada (export) would be subject to the special criteria the statutes
require for such projects. The general irrigation diversion duty for this
area, which the State Engineer uses for evaluation purposes, varies
between 6.0 acre-feet per acre per year (af/ac) in the low desert to 3.0 af/ac
in the highlands. (Click here to see the irrigation duty map of this area).
The consumptive use requirement is determined from the publication
Consumptive Use of Irrigated Crops in Utah, Research Report 145, Utah
State University, 1994 unless the applicant submits other data for
consideration. There are approximately 4,400 water rights on file with the
State Engineer in this area. This area is administered by the Southwest
Regional Office in Cedar City.
REFERENCES: Technical Publication No. 15; Water from Bedrock in the Colorado
Plateau of Utah; Utah State Engineer; 1966.
Technical Publication No. 40, Groundwater Conditions in the Central
Virgin River Basin, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1972.
Technical Publication No. 61, Groundwater Conditions in the Navajo
Sandstone in the Central Virgin River Basin, Utah; Utah Department of
Natural Resources; 1978.
Technical Publication No. 70, Groundwater Conditions in the Upper
Virgin River and Kanab Creek Basins Area, Utah, with Emphasis on the
Navajo Sandstone; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1981.
Technical Publication No. 83, Reconnaissance of the Quality of Surface
Water in the Upper Virgin River Basin, Utah, Arizona and Nevada, 1981-
82; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 1985.
Technical Publication No. 106, Seepage Study of the Virgin River from
Ash Creek to Harrisburg Dome, Washington County, Utah; Utah
Department of Natural Resources; 1995.
Technical Publication No. 116, Geohydrology and numerical simulation of
ground-water flow in the Central Virgin River basin of Iron and
Washington Counties, Utah; Utah Department of Natural Resources; 2000.
Water-Resources Investigative Report 95-4173, Simulated Effects of
Proposed Ground-Water Pumping in 17 Basins in East-Central and Southern Nevada;
U.S. Geological Survey; 1995 (viewing this document requires the
DjVu browser plugin available from LizardTech)
MODELING: Regional Ground-Water Flow, Carbonate-Rock Province, Nevada, Utah,
and Adjacent States; USGS Open-File Reports 93-170 and 93-420; 1993.
Gunlock Area Ground-water Flow Model; 2000.
Central Virgin Navajo-Kayenta Ground-water Flow Model; 2000.
Upper Ash Creek Ground-water Flow Model; 2000.