Change Application Tracker List
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Change Applications              542 Change Applications have been acted on since 8/7/2024 (Last 6 months)
   #  Appl Number Date Filed (# Days) Date Advertized (# Days) Date Protest End (# Days) Protested Hearing Requested Hearing Date Percent Complete (%)  Comments
  1   a4024 (57‑8750)  1961-10-18 (63.4y)  1962-11-09 (62.3y)  1962-12-23 (62.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 Parley`s creek surplus right; State Engineer actively engaged in General Stream Adjudication. Applicant requested action be deferred on 11/9/2009 and again on 3/27/2017.
  2   a5796 (11‑468)  1969-03-18 (55.9y)  1969-04-17 (55.8y)  1969-05-21 (55.8y)  N  Not Protested    10 Unresolvable title issue on one of the underlying rights (see scanned documents). Project has been constructed.
  3   a6897 (43‑3086)  1972-04-12 (52.9y)  1972-05-18 (52.8y)  1972-07-01 (52.6y)  Y  Hearing Held  1972-10-12 (52.4y)  70 There is some indication on the file that the applicant was contemplating withdrawing this change application in 1972.
  4   a7268 (63‑2833)  1973-01-24 (52.1y)  1973-03-29 (51.9y)  1973-05-12 (51.8y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 The amount of water that Lost Creek Irr. Co. is willing to change is in dispute. This application is involved in long standing and on going legal negotiations. Hold application until resolution is reached.
  5   a8431 (43‑3170)  1975-05-14 (49.8y)  1975-07-10 (49.6y)  1975-08-23 (49.5y)  N  Not Protested  1975-10-29 (49.3y)  50 Please refer to the documents on the file.
  6   a9106 (67‑279)  1976-09-13 (48.4y)      N  Not Protested    5 Change application filed on unapproved application to appropriate
  7   a9130 (35‑1880)  1976-09-29 (48.4y)  1976-10-28 (48.3y)  1976-12-11 (48.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 Underlying right is one of several similar diligence claims filed by the applicant for the same uses. Delayed due to lack of understanding regarding the supplementality of these rights.
  8   a9442 (25‑3023)  1977-04-25 (47.8y)  1977-07-28 (47.6y)  1977-08-31 (47.5y)  N  Not Protested    95 Working on approval of in-stream fish culture.
  9   a10715 (18‑347)  1979-04-19 (45.8y)  1979-06-12 (45.7y)  1979-07-16 (45.6y)  Y  Hearing Held  1980-05-01 (44.8y)  10 Based on election. Need to process election.
  10   a10921 (35‑8465)  1979-09-04 (45.5y)  1979-11-08 (45.3y)  1980-12-22 (44.2y)  Y  Hearing Held  1980-03-06 (45y)  10 Unresolved title issues
  11   a11677 (63‑820)  1981-02-18 (44y)  1981-03-26 (43.9y)  1981-04-29 (43.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-04-25 (288d)  70
  12   a11949 (55‑1875)  1981-08-25 (43.5y)      N  Not Protested    0 Approved for advertising on 11/10/1981; no subsequent actions (advertising, proof of pub, protests) on file (see Endorsement Page). Application to Appropriate approved 9/29/1999.
  13   a11966 (68‑137)  1981-08-31 (43.5y)  1981-10-15 (43.3y)    N  Not Protested    10 Waiting for resolution of title issues
  14   a12788 (13‑3296)  1983-04-27 (41.8y)  1983-09-22 (41.4y)  1983-11-05 (41.3y)  Y  Hearing Held  2018-11-02 (6.3y)  95 Held at the request of the applicant (10/17/19) pending negotiations with the BLM.
  15   a12882 (68‑982)  1983-08-05 (41.5y)  1983-11-03 (41.3y)  1983-12-17 (41.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 Waiting for resolution of title issues
  16   a13230 (31‑4047)  1984-06-14 (40.7y)      N  Not Protested    0 Title discrepancy between change and underlying right.
  17   a13561 (35‑9031)  1985-06-24 (39.7y)  1985-08-23 (39.5y)  1985-10-06 (39.4y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Pending litigation.
  18   a13565 (35‑9032)  1985-06-25 (39.6y)  1996-04-19 (28.8y)  1996-06-02 (28.7y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Pending litigation.
  19   a13566 (35‑9033)  1985-06-25 (39.6y)  1985-08-23 (39.5y)  1985-10-06 (39.4y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Pending litigation.
  20   a14596 (81‑1382)  1988-02-19 (37y)  1988-03-04 (37y)  1988-04-17 (36.8y)  N  Not Protested    10 Contact with WCWCD needed regarding intent to proceed.
  21   a14699 (68‑1847)  1988-06-16 (36.7y)  1988-08-04 (36.5y)  1988-09-17 (36.4y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Hold action on change until FS sub basin claim issue is resolved.
  22   a15832 (15‑57)  1990-09-11 (34.4y)  1990-12-06 (34.2y)  1991-01-19 (34.1y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Held at request of applicant.
  23   a15930 (18‑612)  1990-12-11 (34.2y)  1991-02-21 (34y)  1991-04-06 (33.9y)  Y  Hearing Held  1991-05-30 (33.7y)  10 Segregated after election was filed on parent water right. Need to process election.
  24   a16374 (35‑5742)  1991-08-23 (33.5y)  1991-10-17 (33.3y)  1991-11-30 (33.2y)  Y  Hearing Held  1992-02-25 (33y)  10 Deferred due to changing regional plans in Snyderville area.
  25   a16383 (35‑5740)  1991-08-23 (33.5y)  1991-10-17 (33.3y)  1991-11-30 (33.2y)  Y  Hearing Held  1992-02-25 (33y)  10 Deferred due to changing regional plans in Snyderville area.
  26   a16384 (35‑5741)  1991-08-23 (33.5y)  1991-10-17 (33.3y)  1991-11-30 (33.2y)  Y  Hearing Held  1992-02-25 (33y)  10 Deferred due to changing regional plans in Snyderville area.
  27   a16479 (35‑8141)  1991-11-25 (33.2y)  1991-12-13 (33.2y)  1992-01-26 (33.1y)  Y  Hearing Held  1992-03-24 (32.9y)  10 Amendatory change. Proof submitted on only a portion of the prior change (a10037). Proof seems to outdated. Applicant needs to segregate his portion of the water right. Need to address portions of the right that were not affected by the proof.
  28   a20652 (81‑4117)  1996-12-27 (28.1y)  1997-01-16 (28.1y)  1997-02-12 (28y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Hold pending protest in adjudication
  29   a21461 (51‑1004)  1997-08-21 (27.5y)  1997-09-25 (27.4y)  1997-10-22 (27.3y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 Deferred 12/16/2003 until ownership is decided.
  30   a23809 (81‑4308)  1999-10-05 (25.4y)  1999-10-20 (25.3y)  1999-11-16 (25.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 Prior owner contacted regarding desire to pursue application, indicated that they would let the Division know when they decide.
  31   a24058 (43‑10207)  2000-01-10 (25.1y)  2000-04-18 (24.8y)  2000-05-15 (24.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2016-09-07 (8.4y)  70 The initial hearing for this change was postponed. Some aspects of the change application were studied by the Division. A hearing was held in 2016. Neither the applicant nor the protestant attended the hearing in 2016.
  32   a24471 (15‑478)  2000-05-09 (24.8y)  2000-09-14 (24.4y)  2000-10-11 (24.3y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Change application was approved in part, with the approved portion residing under a24471a (25%) and the unapproved portion residing under a24471 (75%). See 2002 Order of the State Engineer for a24471a.
  33   a24790 (43‑1401)  2000-08-01 (24.5y)  2000-08-29 (24.5y)  2000-09-25 (24.4y)  Y  Hearing Held  2000-11-09 (24.3y)  70 On April 4, 2007, the Division sent correspondence to the applicant regarding this application. The Division has not received a response yet. Please refer to the scanned documents of 43-1401.
  34   a20559 (81‑4108)  2000-09-22 (24.4y)  1996-12-05 (28.2y)  1997-01-01 (28.1y)  N  Not Protested    10 By OSE for a20559a, condition requires this portion to remain unapproved until such time as the state engineer determines that additional amounts could be approved without impairing the prior rights of others. More detail can be found under condition 6 of the OSE:
  35   a26099 (63‑4345)  2001-11-01 (23.3y)  2001-11-14 (23.2y)  2001-12-11 (23.2y)  Y  Hearing Held    10 Hold until company is organized and officers appointed to enable signing of change application or reissue shares. Company shareholders disagree on support of change. Awaiting resolution of company dispute and feedback from company.
  36   a27172 (51‑2577)  2002-10-21 (22.3y)  2003-09-10 (21.4y)  2003-10-07 (21.4y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    40 Request for additional information mailed 4/3/2020; no response received.
  37   a27695 (67‑1536)  2003-03-31 (21.9y)  2003-04-10 (21.8y)  2003-05-07 (21.8y)  N  Not Protested    10 Holding for resolution of supplemental/sole supply statements of water use groups.
  38   a28380 (43‑194)  2003-10-24 (21.3y)  2018-08-07 (6.5y)  2018-09-03 (6.4y)  N  Not Protested    42 Processing of this change had been delayed by a number of issues. A revised change application was filed and advertised in 2018. Recent delays are related to title issues with a ”companion” water right, 43-7326.
  39   a28480 (51‑7846)  2003-12-03 (21.2y)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-14 (21.1y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Letter received 8/17/2004 requesting a meeting. May need to be handled when the Special Master starts his work in Hobble Creek.
  40   a28481 (51‑7847)  2003-12-03 (21.2y)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-14 (21.1y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Letter received 8/17/2004 requesting a meeting. May need to be handled when the Special Master starts his work in Hobble Creek.
  41   a28537 (57‑10315)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-15 (21.1y)  2004-02-11 (21y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Active litigation; received Utah Court of Appeals Opinion 1/28/2019.
  42   a28541 (57‑10316)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-15 (21.1y)  2004-02-11 (21y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Active litigation; received Utah Court of Appeals Opinion 1/28/2019.
  43   a28546 (57‑10318)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-15 (21.1y)  2004-02-11 (21y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Active litigation; received Utah Court of Appeals Opinion 1/28/2019.
  44   a28547 (57‑10319)  2003-12-18 (21.2y)  2004-01-15 (21.1y)  2004-02-11 (21y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Active litigation; received Utah Court of Appeals Opinion 1/28/2019.
  45   a28531 (51‑1322)  2003-12-22 (21.1y)  2004-01-15 (21.1y)  2004-02-11 (21y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  46   a28705 (25‑2167)  2004-03-02 (21y)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10 Questionnaire returned as undeliverable.
  47   a29420 (18‑184)  2004-09-29 (20.4y)  2004-10-21 (20.3y)  2004-11-17 (20.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 Awaiting clarification from applicant. Verbally discussed.
  48   a29823 (59‑5794)  2005-02-04 (20y)  2005-02-24 (20y)  2005-03-23 (19.9y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 Applicant has been instructed to remedy co-applicant situation.
  49   a30572 (43‑1219)  2005-08-25 (19.5y)  2006-02-28 (19y)  2006-03-27 (18.9y)  Y  Hearing Held  2006-05-17 (18.7y)  56 Further processing of this change application was delayed due to questions that arose during the review process. The applicant has filed another change on the underlying water right (Change Application Number a41182).
  50   a31116 (45‑94)  2006-02-27 (19y)  2006-03-15 (18.9y)  2006-04-11 (18.8y)  N  Not Protested    68 This change application might need to be withdrawn and a new change filed in its place so that municipal uses can be added.
  51   a31911 (61‑453)  2006-08-31 (18.5y)  2006-09-14 (18.4y)  2006-10-11 (18.3y)  Y  Hearing Held  2007-03-22 (17.9y)  10 Hold action on change until FS sub basin claim issue is resolved as per JDO.
  52   a32318 (18‑85)  2006-12-27 (18.1y)  2007-02-14 (18y)  2007-03-13 (17.9y)  N  Not Protested    10 Awaiting clarification from applicant. Verbally discussed.
  53   a33291 (43‑3512)  2007-07-30 (17.5y)  2007-08-28 (17.5y)  2007-09-24 (17.4y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Further processing of this change application was put on hold due to litigation. It appears the litigation ended in 2013.
  54   a34828 (43‑8753)  2008-09-10 (16.4y)  2008-10-22 (16.3y)  2008-11-18 (16.2y)  N  Not Protested    42 USFS change application for stockwatering. This application needs the consent of the beneficial user.
  55   a35086 (51‑8366)  2008-12-02 (16.2y)  2009-01-22 (16.1y)  2009-02-18 (16y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Request for reconsideration granted. Hearing requested.
  56   a35088 (51‑8367)  2008-12-02 (16.2y)  2009-01-22 (16.1y)  2009-02-18 (16y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Request for reconsideration granted. Hearing requested.
  57   a35091 (51‑8368)  2008-12-02 (16.2y)  2009-01-22 (16.1y)  2009-02-18 (16y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  58   a35092 (51‑8369)  2008-12-02 (16.2y)  2009-02-05 (16y)  2009-03-04 (15.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Request for reconsideration granted. Hearing requested.
  59   a35673 (43‑3823)  2009-06-16 (15.7y)      N  Not Protested    0 Further processing of this change was put on hold in-order for other issues to be worked on with the water rights of the applicant. The change might need to be withdrawn in-order for the applicant to address other issues on their water rights or to include the underlying right(s) of this change in another change application.
  60   a36104 (81‑3665)  2009-11-30 (15.2y)  2009-12-24 (15.1y)  2010-01-20 (15.1y)  N  Not Protested    10 Email sent to applicant`s rep on 8/2/10 explaining need for flow data: Before change application a36104 can be considered for approval, there must be evidence to support the amount of flow the springs will issue. If you have historical data, that would be great. If not, the flows will have to be measured over a years time. We have approved some applications which provided a single flow measured during a low flow period, such as September, where the flow at that time was high enough to provide all rights within the surface source. Any flow data provided will be evaluated, and adjusted to precipitation data, and if it does not meet the flow required by the rights, will be proportionately reduced.
  61   a36111 (43‑10916)  2009-12-02 (15.2y)  2010-08-17 (14.5y)  2010-09-13 (14.4y)  N  Not Protested    45 Applicant`s representative asked for the processing of this change application to be delayed.
  62   a36148 (35‑9031)  2009-12-09 (15.2y)      N  Not Protested    0 Pending litigation on a13561, a13565 and a13566
  63   a36136 (23‑667)  2009-12-10 (15.2y)  2010-01-22 (15.1y)  2010-02-18 (15y)  N  Not Protested    10 Need to send Questionnaire to ascertain interest. Issue of non-use (see letter on 23-666).
  64   a36232 (65‑3794)  2010-02-03 (15y)  2010-02-18 (15y)  2010-03-17 (14.9y)  N  Not Protested    10 Waiting for statement of sole supply.
  65   a38402 (71‑4534)  2012-07-26 (12.5y)  2012-08-29 (12.5y)  2012-09-25 (12.4y)  Y  Hearing Held  2016-01-07 (9.1y)  10 See memo to file:
  66   a38622 (55‑12473)  2012-12-18 (12.1y)  2020-04-16 (4.8y)  2020-05-13 (4.7y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 New application will be filed to entirely replace/supersede this application. Waiting for applicant`s signature.
  67   a38766 (55‑12674)  2013-03-07 (11.9y)      N  Not Protested    0 Underlying water rights disallowed in the Orem (55-3) General Stream Adjudication; awaiting its finalization.
  68   a38790 (59‑141)  2013-03-13 (11.9y)  2013-04-25 (11.8y)  2013-05-22 (11.7y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Applicant requested a ”stay” on 9/25/2013.
  69   a39086 (55‑8163)  2013-06-11 (11.7y)  2013-07-17 (11.6y)  2013-08-13 (11.5y)  N  Not Protested    10 Deferred pending resolution of issues with new change a43688. Explanatory of a39086 states a34200 would be withdrawn with its approval. Extension approved on 4/22/2019 for a34200.
  70   a39619 (25‑6543)  2014-02-27 (11y)  2014-03-27 (10.9y)  2014-04-23 (10.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2014-09-11 (10.4y)  56 Reconsideration of the OSE was Granted and supplemental documents have been submitted by both the applicant and a protestant.
  71   a39792 (53‑1401)  2014-04-29 (10.8y)  2014-06-04 (10.7y)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 Deferred until applicant complies with orders to meter and report use; began reporting in 2014, but stopped again in 2016. Apparently, the meter needs to be repaired.
  72   a39986 (51‑8569)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  2014-07-31 (10.5y)  2014-08-27 (10.5y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  73   a39987 (51‑8570)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  2014-07-31 (10.5y)  2014-08-27 (10.5y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  74   a39988 (51‑8554)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  2014-07-31 (10.5y)  2014-08-27 (10.5y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  75   a39990 (51‑8556)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  2014-07-31 (10.5y)  2014-08-27 (10.5y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  76   a39991 (51‑8559)  2014-07-01 (10.6y)  2014-07-31 (10.5y)  2014-08-27 (10.5y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  77   a40006 (51‑8558)  2014-07-07 (10.6y)  2014-08-14 (10.5y)  2014-09-10 (10.4y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  78   a40198 (51‑8592)  2014-09-17 (10.4y)  2014-10-23 (10.3y)  2014-11-19 (10.2y)  N  Not Protested    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  79   a40316 (51‑2831)  2014-12-05 (10.2y)  2014-12-18 (10.1y)  2015-01-14 (10.1y)  N  Not Protested    10 Request for additional information sent 1/30/2017. Insufficient response received 2/7/2017. It appears the applicant does not believe the requested information needs to be provided.
  80   a40356 (31‑1328)  2014-12-24 (10.1y)  2015-01-15 (10.1y)  2015-02-11 (10y)  N  Not Protested    10 Awaiting modeling results showing conformance with Groundwater Management Plan.
  81   a40673 (81‑117)  2015-04-09 (9.8y)      N  Not Protested    0 Applicant indicated by email that they planned to submit a new change application as of 8/11/15 to add and correct points of diversions.
  82   a40922 (51‑8639)  2015-06-29 (9.6y)  2015-09-10 (9.4y)  2015-10-07 (9.3y)  N  Not Protested    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  83   a40973 (51‑8567)  2015-07-17 (9.6y)  2015-08-13 (9.5y)  2015-09-09 (9.4y)  N  Not Protested    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  84   a41102 (59‑5908)  2015-09-18 (9.4y)  2015-10-08 (9.3y)  2015-11-04 (9.3y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Protests received and answer to protests due 11/25/2015. No answer received nor hearing scheduled.
  85   a41103 (59‑5909)  2015-09-18 (9.4y)  2015-10-08 (9.3y)  2015-11-04 (9.3y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Protests received and answer to protests due 11/25/2015. No answer received nor hearing scheduled.
  86   a41181 (43‑1414)  2015-10-29 (9.3y)  2015-12-15 (9.2y)  2016-01-11 (9.1y)  Y  Protest Letter Received  2016-09-07 (8.4y)  56 There are potential quantity impairment concerns with this change application. The State Engineer is currently waiting for the applicant and the potentially impacted parties to work things out.
  87   a41182 (43‑1219)  2015-10-29 (9.3y)  2015-12-15 (9.2y)  2016-01-11 (9.1y)  N  Not Protested    45 The processing of this change application was delayed due to concerns that were expressed to the State Engineer`s Office during the review of Change Application Number a30572 on the same underlying water right.
  88   a41834 (43‑12865)  2016-07-19 (8.6y)  2016-07-26 (8.5y)  2016-08-22 (8.5y)  N  Not Protested    68 Change Application based on shares. This change has a few issues that are in the process of hopefully being addressed.
  89   a41846 (43‑175)  2016-07-20 (8.6y)  2016-07-26 (8.5y)  2016-08-22 (8.5y)  N  Not Protested    50 This change will probably be either withdrawn or amended by the applicant. The Water User`s Claims for two of the underlying water rights will probably be amended. This change will be modified and re-advertised if the two claims are updated.
  90   a42666 (51‑8713)  2017-06-01 (7.7y)  2017-06-29 (7.6y)  2017-07-26 (7.5y)  N  Not Protested    10 The parent water right is being protested in the Hobble Creek (51-4) General Stream Adjudication. Waiting for the objection proceedings to be resolved.
  91   a42736 (45‑2322)  2017-06-26 (7.6y)  2017-11-28 (7.2y)  2017-12-25 (7.1y)  N  Not Protested    42 Note from 2018: Further processing of this change application was delayed while the State waited for the US Forest Service to provide declarations on the un-evaluated groups that will be divided by the claim. Note from 2019: The US Forest Service has been in contact with the Vernal Region Office about the declarations.
  92   a43180 (55‑9731)  2017-12-22 (7.1y)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-02-07 (7y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  93   a43255 (51‑1484)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-01-25 (7y)  2018-02-21 (7y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  94   a43256 (51‑4765)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-01-25 (7y)  2018-02-21 (7y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  95   a43263 (54‑363)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-02-08 (7y)  2018-03-07 (6.9y)  N  Not Protested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  96   a43264 (51‑1431)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-01-25 (7y)  2018-02-21 (7y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  97   a43265 (51‑1541)  2018-01-11 (7.1y)  2018-02-08 (7y)  2018-03-07 (6.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  98   a43304 (55‑7872)  2018-01-30 (7y)  2018-02-22 (7y)  2018-03-21 (6.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  99   a43305 (51‑1106)  2018-01-30 (7y)  2018-02-22 (7y)  2018-03-21 (6.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  100   a43353 (51‑1078)  2018-02-14 (7y)  2018-03-08 (6.9y)  2018-04-04 (6.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  101   a43381 (55‑1037)  2018-02-23 (7y)  2018-03-08 (6.9y)  2018-04-04 (6.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  102   a43436 (51‑1851)  2018-03-07 (6.9y)  2018-03-22 (6.9y)  2018-04-18 (6.8y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  103   a43585 (61‑3145)  2018-04-17 (6.8y)  2018-05-03 (6.8y)  2018-05-30 (6.7y)  N  Not Protested    10 Timely Quantity Impairment concerns were brought up on this right. State Engineer waiting for additional information from applicant.
  104   a43637 (51‑8791)  2018-04-27 (6.8y)  2018-05-17 (6.7y)  2018-06-13 (6.7y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Request for reconsideration granted. Hearing requested.
  105   a43688 (55‑8163)  2018-05-10 (6.8y)      N  Not Protested    0
  106   a43703 (61‑3148)  2018-05-14 (6.7y)  2018-05-31 (6.7y)  2018-06-27 (6.6y)  Y  Hearing Held  2018-08-09 (6.5y)  10 Timely Quantity Impairment concerns were brought up on this right. State Engineer waiting for additional information from applicant.
  107   a43706 (65‑3678)  2018-05-14 (6.7y)  2018-05-31 (6.7y)  2018-06-27 (6.6y)  N  Not Protested    10 Waiting for resolution of title issues.
  108   a43850 (91‑132)  2018-07-05 (6.6y)  2018-08-21 (6.5y)  2018-09-17 (6.4y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Hearing scheduled for January 16, 2019. Applicant requested hearing be cancelled. Applicant currently in negotiations with Gunnison Irrigation Company for storage space in Gunnison Reservoir. Applicant requested additional time to complete negotiations and work through a few other issues before a hearing is scheduled.
  109   a43899 (43‑13071)  2018-07-30 (6.5y)  2018-08-07 (6.5y)  2018-09-03 (6.4y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    50
  110   a43935 (51‑5284)  2018-08-09 (6.5y)  2018-08-23 (6.5y)  2018-09-19 (6.4y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  111   a43936 (51‑8808)  2018-08-09 (6.5y)  2018-08-23 (6.5y)  2018-09-19 (6.4y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 On 10/3/2018, the applicant requested hearings be postponed until all applications of similar nature may be considered simultaneously.
  112   a43976 (45‑6719)  2018-08-20 (6.5y)  2018-09-04 (6.4y)  2018-10-01 (6.4y)  N  Not Protested    50 Shareholder change application, needs to be moved to a share statement before the processing is finished
  113   a44122 (55‑12878)  2018-10-12 (6.3y)  2018-11-01 (6.3y)  2018-11-28 (6.2y)  Y  Hearing Requested    9 The applicant responded to a request for additional information, and pointed out that a hearing is requested, but stated this application is not yet ”ripe” enough.
  114   a44129 (59‑5957)  2018-10-16 (6.3y)  2018-11-01 (6.3y)  2018-11-28 (6.2y)  Y  Hearing Requested    9 Application being held until hearing can be conducted
  115   a44413 (51‑8479)  2019-02-07 (6y)  2019-02-21 (6y)  2019-03-20 (5.9y)  N  Not Protested    10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  116   a44463 (57‑3412)  2019-02-19 (6y)  2019-03-07 (5.9y)  2019-04-03 (5.9y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 State Engineer actively engaged in Little Cottonwood Creek (57-23) General Stream Adjudication. Protests question the validity of Diligence Claim, priority date, and quantification of the underlying right; refer to PD for final determination of right.
  117   a44543a (55‑13031)  2019-03-13 (5.9y)  2019-04-03 (5.9y)  2019-04-30 (5.8y)  N  Not Protested    10 Historical Water User`s Claim limited the uses of parent water right; the difference was segregated into this new water right number and change application to allow for another Water User`s Claim to be filed in the future.
  118   a44540 (51‑8790)  2019-03-15 (5.9y)  2019-04-04 (5.9y)  2019-05-01 (5.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2019-06-18 (5.6y)  10 President of Springville Irrigation Company requested that all applications be held until objections are resolved.
  119   a44541 (51‑8792)  2019-03-15 (5.9y)  2019-04-04 (5.9y)  2019-05-01 (5.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2019-06-18 (5.6y)  10
  120   a44990 (43‑1829)  2019-07-31 (5.5y)  2019-09-17 (5.4y)  2019-10-14 (5.3y)  N  Not Protested    50
  121   a44991 (43‑13141)  2019-07-31 (5.5y)  2019-09-17 (5.4y)  2019-10-14 (5.3y)  N  Not Protested    68
  122   a45022 (43‑370)  2019-07-31 (5.5y)  2021-07-07 (3.6y)  2021-08-03 (3.5y)  N  Not Protested    68
  123   a45440 (45‑2297)  2020-01-24 (5y)  2020-02-04 (5y)  2020-03-02 (4.9y)  N  Not Protested    42
  124   a45683 (41‑3479)  2020-04-13 (4.8y)  2020-04-30 (4.8y)  2020-05-27 (4.7y)  Y  Hearing Held  2020-10-21 (4.3y)  70
  125   a45714 (71‑4590)  2020-04-23 (4.8y)  2020-05-14 (4.7y)  2020-06-10 (4.7y)  Y  Hearing Held  2020-07-09 (4.6y)  10 Applicant stated when called that they would withdraw this application upon receiving cert on a22781
  126   a46266 (77‑1792)  2020-09-22 (4.4y)  2020-10-14 (4.3y)  2020-11-10 (4.2y)  Y  Hearing Held  2021-04-29 (3.8y)  10 Applicant requested that a new change application be prepared to replace this one
  127   a46633 (25‑8602)  2021-01-22 (4y)  2021-02-04 (4y)  2021-03-03 (3.9y)  N  Not Protested    95
  128   a46852 (81‑3812)  2021-03-08 (3.9y)  2021-03-18 (3.9y)  2021-04-14 (3.8y)  N  Not Protested    10 Waiting for surface water data from applicant prior to processing the application
  129   a47759 (55‑11087)  2021-08-13 (3.5y)  2021-09-16 (3.4y)  2021-10-13 (3.3y)  Y  Hearing Held  2022-02-24 (3y)  56 On hold per applicant pending adjudication results.
  130   a47955 (51‑8990)  2021-09-17 (3.4y)  2021-12-09 (3.2y)  2022-01-05 (3.1y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Application is being held until the objection has been resolved by the special master.
  131   a48062 (13‑3456)  2021-11-08 (3.3y)  2021-11-24 (3.2y)  2021-12-21 (3.1y)  N  Not Protested    95
  132   a48083 (81‑5471)  2021-11-10 (3.2y)  2021-11-25 (3.2y)  2021-12-22 (3.1y)  Y  Hearing Requested    10 Applicant indicated that Division would be contacted to schedule hearing that was cancelled.
  133   a48114 (23‑3929)  2021-11-22 (3.2y)  2022-02-16 (3y)  2022-03-15 (2.9y)  Y  Hearing Requested    9
  134   a48257 (55‑5369)  2021-12-29 (3.1y)  2022-01-20 (3.1y)  2022-02-16 (3y)  N  Not Protested    68 Extension being processed. Change application will be processed in conjunction with extension.
  135   a48284 (45‑6718)  2022-01-10 (3.1y)  2022-02-16 (3y)  2022-03-15 (2.9y)  N  Not Protested    50
  136   a48351 (66‑1036)  2022-01-20 (3.1y)  2022-02-02 (3y)  2022-03-01 (2.9y)  Y  Hearing Held  2022-06-02 (2.7y)  95
  137   f48405 (71‑727)  2022-01-31 (3y)  2022-02-17 (3y)  2022-03-16 (2.9y)  N  Not Protested    10
  138   a48787 (55‑11001)  2022-04-08 (2.8y)  2022-05-25 (2.7y)  2022-06-21 (2.6y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 Hearings to be postponed per applicant`s request.
  139   a48865 (43‑12940)  2022-05-04 (2.8y)  2022-06-22 (2.6y)  2022-07-19 (2.6y)  N  Not Protested    42
  140   a49079 (35‑14130)  2022-06-14 (2.7y)      N  Not Protested    0
  141   a49180 (77‑732)  2022-07-06 (2.6y)  2022-07-20 (2.6y)  2022-08-16 (2.5y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    68
  142   a49217 (91‑32)  2022-07-14 (2.6y)      N  Not Protested    0 Applicant requested time to complete a stream monitoring study before advertising this application (email dated Aug. 22, 2022)
  143   a49220 (43‑1225)  2022-07-14 (2.6y)      N  Not Protested    0
  144   a49295 (81‑2265)  2022-08-02 (2.5y)  2023-08-31 (1.4y)  2023-09-27 (1.4y)  N  Not Protested    68
  145   a49361 (43‑3092)  2022-08-16 (2.5y)  2022-08-31 (2.4y)  2022-09-27 (2.4y)  N  Not Protested    72
  146   a49362 (15‑65)  2022-08-16 (2.5y)  2022-08-31 (2.4y)  2022-09-27 (2.4y)  N  Not Protested    10 Working through issues with water use groups including possible DOBUA and possible modified change application.
  147   a49481 (73‑1023)  2022-09-16 (2.4y)  2022-09-29 (2.4y)  2022-10-26 (2.3y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    8
  148   a49495 (41‑3523)  2022-09-21 (2.4y)      N  Not Protested    0
  149   a49611 (77‑2067)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 Information on file indicates that protestant and applicant are in discussions, waiting on addl information to come forth.
  150   a49612 (77‑1762)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10 Information on file indicates that protestant and applicant are in discussions, waiting on addl information to come forth.
  151   a49612a (77‑2077)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10
  152   a49612c (77‑2079)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10
  153   a49612d (77‑2080)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10
  154   a49612e (77‑2083)  2022-10-31 (2.3y)  2022-11-09 (2.2y)  2022-12-06 (2.2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    10
  155   a49634 (93‑7)  2022-11-08 (2.3y)  2022-11-23 (2.2y)  2022-12-20 (2.1y)  N  Not Protested    10 Pending litigation on a similar application has delayed action on this application.
  156   a49710 (35‑14293)  2022-11-17 (2.2y)  2022-12-08 (2.2y)  2023-01-04 (2.1y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    64
  157   a49770 (53‑1855)  2022-12-08 (2.2y)  2023-11-22 (1.2y)  2023-12-19 (1.1y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    42
  158   a49786 (51‑3669)  2022-12-15 (2.2y)  2023-01-05 (2.1y)  2023-02-01 (2y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-05-23 (1.7y)  70
  159   a49787 (51‑3745)  2022-12-15 (2.2y)  2023-01-05 (2.1y)  2023-02-01 (2y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-05-23 (1.7y)  70
  160   a49788 (51‑3744)  2022-12-15 (2.2y)  2023-01-05 (2.1y)  2023-02-01 (2y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-05-23 (1.7y)  70
  161   a49796 (55‑12468)  2022-12-15 (2.2y)  2023-01-05 (2.1y)  2023-02-01 (2y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    42 Applicant requested that action be withheld until November 20, 2023, to allow additional time to respond to protest.
  162   a49818 (55‑11129)  2022-12-20 (2.1y)  2023-01-04 (2.1y)  2023-01-31 (2y)  N  Not Protested    68
  163   a49925 (63‑2520)  2023-01-31 (2y)  2023-02-15 (2y)  2023-03-14 (1.9y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-05-11 (1.7y)  95
  164   a50110 (61‑3298)  2023-03-17 (1.9y)  2023-03-30 (1.9y)  2023-04-26 (1.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-10-17 (1.3y)  95
  165   a50158 (67‑375)  2023-03-29 (1.9y)  2023-04-12 (1.8y)  2023-05-09 (1.8y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-10-18 (1.3y)  68
  166   a50196 (55‑11174)  2023-04-07 (1.8y)  2023-04-26 (1.8y)  2023-05-23 (1.7y)  N  Not Protested    50
  167   a50282 (65‑4464)  2023-04-17 (1.8y)  2023-05-11 (1.7y)  2023-06-07 (1.7y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-10-18 (1.3y)  70
  168   a50276 (61‑968)  2023-04-21 (1.8y)  2023-05-11 (1.7y)  2023-06-07 (1.7y)  Y  Hearing Not Held    90
  169   a50314 (41‑1389)  2023-05-03 (1.8y)  2023-06-21 (1.6y)  2023-07-18 (1.6y)  N  Not Protested    81
  170   a50520 (65‑4481)  2023-06-29 (1.6y)  2023-08-03 (1.5y)  2023-08-30 (1.4y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-10-18 (1.3y)  64
  171   a50669 (51‑1766)  2023-08-11 (1.5y)  2023-08-30 (1.4y)  2023-09-26 (1.4y)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10 10/30/23: Applicant requested to cancel hearing. Hold until new hearing is scheduled in coordination with applicant.
  172   a50762 (51‑8643)  2023-08-16 (1.5y)  2023-09-27 (1.4y)  2023-10-25 (1.3y)  Y  Hearing Held  2023-12-07 (1.2y)  64
  173   a50708 (81‑1516)  2023-08-23 (1.5y)  2023-09-14 (1.4y)  2023-10-11 (1.3y)  N  Not Protested    50 Coordinating DBU with Applicant
  174   a50730a (29‑4956)  2023-08-30 (1.4y)  2023-09-13 (1.4y)  2023-10-10 (1.3y)  N  Not Protested    72
  175   a50865 (43‑12988)  2023-10-13 (1.3y)  2023-11-08 (1.3y)  2023-12-05 (1.2y)  N  Not Protested    81
  176   a50912 (43‑12595)  2023-10-16 (1.3y)  2023-11-22 (1.2y)  2023-12-19 (1.1y)  N  Not Protested    68
  177   a50894 (55‑4352)  2023-10-19 (1.3y)  2023-11-08 (1.3y)  2023-12-05 (1.2y)  N  Not Protested    50
  178   a50935 (81‑1104)  2023-11-03 (1.3y)  2024-01-04 (1.1y)  2024-01-31 (1y)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-04-18 (295d)  95
  179   a50983 (55‑12842)  2023-11-17 (1.2y)  2023-12-13 (1.2y)  2024-01-09 (1.1y)  N  Not Protested    42
  180   a50991 (51‑1392)  2023-11-20 (1.2y)  2023-12-07 (1.2y)  2024-01-10 (1.1y)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-03-06 (338d)  70
  181   a51045 (55‑2824)  2023-11-30 (1.2y)  2023-12-21 (1.1y)  2024-01-17 (1.1y)  N  Not Protested    50
  182   a51043 (71‑2351)  2023-12-04 (1.2y)  2023-12-21 (1.1y)  2024-01-17 (1.1y)  N  Not Protested    95
  183   a51060 (81‑4676)  2023-12-07 (1.2y)  2023-12-21 (1.1y)  2024-01-17 (1.1y)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-03-13 (331d)  70
  184   a51080 (51‑6299)  2023-12-08 (1.2y)  2024-01-04 (1.1y)  2024-01-31 (1y)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-05-23 (260d)  70
  185   a51084 (77‑97)  2023-12-14 (1.2y)  2024-04-24 (289d)  2024-05-21 (262d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-06-27 (225d)  95
  186   a51209 (35‑826)  2023-12-14 (1.2y)  2024-02-01 (1y)  2024-02-28 (345d)  N  Not Protested    68
  187   a51088 (73‑324)  2023-12-15 (1.2y)  2024-01-04 (1.1y)  2024-01-31 (1y)  N  Not Protested    42
  188   a51173 (35‑9949)  2024-01-10 (1.1y)  2024-02-01 (1y)  2024-02-28 (345d)  N  Not Protested    64
  189   a51250 (25‑5166)  2024-01-23 (1y)  2024-02-15 (358d)  2024-03-13 (331d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-04-30 (283d)  90
  190   a51226 (55‑13627)  2024-01-25 (1y)  2024-02-15 (358d)  2024-03-13 (331d)  N  Not Protested    50
  191   a51282 (13‑936)  2024-02-07 (1y)  2024-02-28 (345d)  2024-03-26 (318d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  192   a51294 (53‑1767)  2024-02-09 (364d)  2024-02-28 (345d)  2024-03-26 (318d)  N  Not Protested    50
  193   a51394 (53‑974)  2024-02-29 (344d)  2024-03-13 (331d)  2024-04-09 (304d)  N  Not Protested    94
  194   a51415 (68‑475)  2024-03-06 (338d)  2024-03-27 (317d)  2024-04-23 (290d)  N  Not Protested    95
  195   a51432 (66‑7)  2024-03-06 (338d)  2024-03-27 (317d)  2024-04-23 (290d)  N  Not Protested    50
  196   a51433 (63‑3208)  2024-03-06 (338d)  2024-03-27 (317d)  2024-04-23 (290d)  N  Not Protested    50
  197   a51558 (35‑378)  2024-03-15 (329d)  2024-04-25 (288d)  2024-05-22 (261d)  N  Not Protested    42
  198   a51588 (35‑14446)  2024-03-15 (329d)  2024-05-09 (274d)  2024-06-05 (247d)  N  Not Protested    50
  199   a51478 (61‑1190)  2024-03-19 (325d)  2024-04-11 (302d)  2024-05-08 (275d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-03 (66d)  70
  200   a51505 (61‑2910)  2024-03-29 (315d)  2024-04-10 (303d)  2024-05-07 (276d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-03 (66d)  90
  201   a51531 (65‑4560)  2024-04-01 (312d)  2024-04-11 (302d)  2024-05-08 (275d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-07-09 (213d)  95
  202   a51543 (49‑258)  2024-04-08 (305d)  2024-05-08 (275d)  2024-06-04 (248d)  N  Not Protested    95
  203   a51623 (61‑3498)  2024-04-23 (290d)  2024-05-08 (275d)  2024-06-04 (248d)  N  Not Protested    95
  204   a51648 (65‑4564)  2024-04-30 (283d)  2024-05-23 (260d)  2024-06-19 (233d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    50
  205   a51726 (15‑5856)  2024-05-20 (263d)  2024-06-05 (247d)  2024-07-02 (220d)  N  Not Protested    50
  206   a51728 (15‑5857)  2024-05-20 (263d)  2024-06-05 (247d)  2024-07-02 (220d)  N  Not Protested    50
  207   a51755 (65‑4572)  2024-05-28 (255d)  2024-06-06 (246d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-03 (66d)  95
  208   a51761 (51‑9130)  2024-05-29 (254d)  2024-06-20 (232d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-09-04 (156d)  95
  209   a51781 (65‑4574)  2024-06-03 (249d)  2024-06-20 (232d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  210   a51809 (55‑845)  2024-06-05 (247d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-09-05 (155d)  95
  211   a51788 (65‑4549)  2024-06-06 (246d)  2024-06-20 (232d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  212   a51800 (16‑994)  2024-06-13 (239d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  N  Not Protested    94
  213   a51801 (16‑995)  2024-06-13 (239d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  N  Not Protested    94
  214   a51806 (16‑993)  2024-06-14 (238d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  N  Not Protested    94
  215   a51817 (81‑5682)  2024-06-18 (234d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-04 (65d)  68
  216   a51824 (16‑996)  2024-06-20 (232d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  N  Not Protested    94
  217   a51845 (29‑2350)  2024-06-20 (232d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  2024-08-13 (178d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-10-17 (113d)  95
  218   a51835 (81‑669)  2024-06-24 (228d)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-30 (192d)  N  Not Protested    95
  219   a51757 (35‑14480)  2024-06-25 (227d)  2024-08-01 (190d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  220   a51882 (55‑13669)  2024-06-27 (225d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  2024-08-13 (178d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  221   a51872 (09‑29)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  2024-08-13 (178d)  N  Not Protested    95
  222   a51874 (53‑1541)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  2024-08-13 (178d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-15 (23d)  70
  223   a51875 (43‑13829)  2024-07-03 (219d)  2024-07-17 (205d)  2024-08-13 (178d)  N  Not Protested    95
  224   a51904 (66‑1027)  2024-07-12 (210d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    5
  225   a51917 (25‑11988)  2024-07-16 (206d)  2024-08-01 (190d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  226   a51918 (65‑4583)  2024-07-16 (206d)  2024-08-01 (190d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    50
  227   a51959 (35‑14043)  2024-07-23 (199d)  2024-08-15 (176d)  2024-09-11 (149d)  N  Not Protested    72
  228   a51961 (53‑1404)  2024-07-23 (199d)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-09-10 (150d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-15 (23d)  70
  229   a51962 (51‑1015)  2024-07-25 (197d)  2024-08-15 (176d)  2024-09-11 (149d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-02-06 (1d)  70
  230   a51965 (57‑8549)  2024-07-25 (197d)  2024-08-16 (175d)  2024-09-12 (148d)  N  Not Protested    95
  231   a51966 (57‑2034)  2024-07-25 (197d)  2024-08-16 (175d)  2024-09-12 (148d)  N  Not Protested    95
  232   a51950 (67‑1920)  2024-07-25 (197d)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-09-10 (150d)  N  Not Protested    95
  233   a51951 (35‑14483)  2024-07-29 (193d)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-09-10 (150d)  N  Not Protested    100
  234   a51954 (77‑1419)  2024-07-29 (193d)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-09-10 (150d)  N  Not Protested    95
  235   a51994 (61‑9)  2024-08-05 (186d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  N  Not Protested    95
  236   a51998 (61‑39)  2024-08-05 (186d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  N  Not Protested    95
  237   a51999 (61‑41)  2024-08-05 (186d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-03 (66d)  76
  238   a52001 (61‑1695)  2024-08-07 (184d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  N  Not Protested    94
  239   a52010 (81‑5687)  2024-08-12 (179d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  Y  Hearing Requested    9
  240   a52016 (51‑9118)  2024-08-13 (178d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  2024-09-24 (136d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-16 (22d)  94
  241   a52021 (35‑4715)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  2024-09-24 (136d)  N  Not Protested    50
  242   a52024 (67‑1740)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  2024-09-24 (136d)  N  Not Protested    94
  243   a52029 (35‑14509)  2024-08-14 (177d)  2024-09-26 (134d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  N  Not Protested    94
  244   a52044 (66‑58)  2024-08-19 (172d)  2024-08-28 (163d)  2024-09-24 (136d)  N  Not Protested    95
  245   f52032 (71‑4354)  2024-08-19 (172d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  N  Not Protested    95
  246   a52050 (25‑12000)  2024-08-20 (171d)  2024-09-12 (148d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  N  Not Protested  2024-11-21 (78d)  95
  247   a52059 (55‑4745)  2024-08-21 (170d)  2024-09-11 (149d)  2024-10-08 (122d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-16 (22d)  95
  248   a52046 (65‑4592)  2024-08-21 (170d)  2024-08-29 (162d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  249   a52068 (61‑3517)  2024-08-26 (165d)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-03 (66d)  95
  250   a52058 (35‑14272)  2024-08-26 (165d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  251   a52063 (51‑7305)  2024-08-27 (164d)  2024-09-12 (148d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  N  Not Protested    95
  252   a52092 (15‑2967)  2024-09-04 (156d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  2024-10-22 (108d)  N  Not Protested    95
  253   a52093 (71‑5934)  2024-09-04 (156d)  2024-09-26 (134d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-08 (30d)  70
  254   a52097 (43‑211)  2024-09-05 (155d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  2024-10-22 (108d)  N  Not Protested    95
  255   a52123 (25‑67)  2024-09-11 (149d)  2024-09-26 (134d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-11-21 (78d)  70
  256   a52132 (05‑300)  2024-09-13 (147d)  2024-09-26 (134d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  N  Not Protested    95
  257   f52134 (55‑11103)  2024-09-16 (144d)  2024-09-25 (135d)  2024-10-22 (108d)  N  Not Protested    95
  258   a52140 (81‑5650)  2024-09-18 (142d)  2024-10-10 (120d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  Y  Hearing Held  2024-12-04 (65d)  95
  259   a52150 (45‑6802)  2024-09-18 (142d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  2024-11-05 (94d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  260   a52144 (25‑11980)  2024-09-19 (141d)  2024-10-10 (120d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-30 (8d)  70
  261   a52157 (61‑3521)  2024-09-23 (137d)  2024-10-10 (120d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  262   a52158 (05‑3599)  2024-09-23 (137d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  2024-11-05 (94d)  N  Not Protested    95
  263   a52167 (65‑4595)  2024-09-23 (137d)  2024-10-10 (120d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  264   a52169 (63‑1691)  2024-09-24 (136d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  2024-11-05 (94d)  N  Not Protested    95
  265   a52172 (31‑5320)  2024-09-29 (131d)  2024-10-25 (105d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  N  Not Protested    95
  266   a52176 (51‑7920)  2024-09-30 (130d)  2024-10-10 (120d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  N  Not Protested    94
  267   a52178 (05‑3760)  2024-09-30 (130d)  2024-10-09 (121d)  2024-11-05 (94d)  N  Not Protested    95
  268   a52187 (81‑49)  2024-10-01 (129d)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  N  Not Protested    95
  269   a52198 (57‑3412)  2024-10-02 (128d)  2024-10-25 (105d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  N  Not Protested    95
  270   a52189 (35‑14413)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    50
  271   a52190 (35‑14507)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    50
  272   a52185 (16‑997)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    95
  273   a52186 (23‑1654)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    95
  274   a52186a (23‑4040)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    95
  275   a52186b (23‑3920)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    95
  276   a52186c (23‑3466)  2024-10-03 (127d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  N  Not Protested    95
  277   a52195 (25‑6436)  2024-10-04 (126d)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-30 (8d)  70
  278   a52203 (25‑6596)  2024-10-08 (122d)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  N  Not Protested    95
  279   a52208 (55‑13635)  2024-10-09 (121d)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-19 (80d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-15 (23d)  70
  280   a52233 (01‑292)  2024-10-11 (119d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  Y  Hearing Held  2025-01-14 (24d)  70
  281   a52240 (35‑14539)  2024-10-15 (115d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    94
  282   a52229 (55‑11659)  2024-10-15 (115d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    50
  283   a52242 (68‑3242)  2024-10-15 (115d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  284   a52277 (13‑3457)  2024-10-16 (114d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  285   a52269 (53‑1889)  2024-10-17 (113d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  286   f52231 (15‑5876)  2024-10-17 (113d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    50
  287   a52237 (71‑4418)  2024-10-18 (112d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  288   a52238 (71‑5937)  2024-10-18 (112d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  289   a52241 (73‑4681)  2024-10-21 (109d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  290   a52244 (09‑1130)  2024-10-21 (109d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  291   a52248 (57‑7404)  2024-10-21 (109d)  2024-11-08 (91d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  N  Not Protested    95
  292   a52249 (55‑13651)  2024-10-21 (109d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  293   a52245 (35‑14541)  2024-10-22 (108d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  294   a52246 (77‑2085)  2024-10-22 (108d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  295   a52247 (25‑1249)  2024-10-22 (108d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    94
  296   a52261 (61‑3529)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  297   a52262 (61‑3530)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  298   a52263 (61‑3531)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  299   a52264 (61‑3532)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  300   a52265 (61‑3533)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  301   a52266 (61‑3534)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  302   a52267 (61‑3535)  2024-10-23 (107d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    95
  303   a52254 (23‑4001)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    94
  304   a52255 (25‑12010)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  305   a52257 (73‑3795)  2024-10-24 (106d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  306   a52258 (81‑3719)  2024-10-25 (105d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  307   a52260 (65‑4417)  2024-10-25 (105d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  308   a52270 (73‑4688)  2024-10-28 (102d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  309   a52274 (61‑3528)  2024-10-28 (102d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  310   a52275 (61‑3527)  2024-10-28 (102d)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-03 (66d)  N  Not Protested    95
  311   a52278 (59‑6087)  2024-10-28 (102d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  312   a52283 (51‑9158)  2024-10-29 (101d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  N  Not Protested    95
  313   a52285 (51‑8377)  2024-10-29 (101d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  N  Not Protested    94
  314   a52287 (51‑9156)  2024-10-29 (101d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  N  Not Protested    95
  315   a52271 (81‑5693)  2024-10-29 (101d)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  N  Not Protested    95
  316   a52279 (15‑5811)  2024-10-30 (100d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  317   a52280 (35‑13144)  2024-10-30 (100d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  318   a52282 (15‑2149)  2024-10-31 (99d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  319   a52288 (81‑1112)  2024-10-31 (99d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    50
  320   a52293 (61‑3525)  2024-11-01 (98d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  N  Not Protested    95
  321   a52291 (15‑4040)  2024-11-05 (94d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  322   a52321 (65‑4074)  2024-11-06 (93d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  323   f52296 (57‑10157)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  324   a52304 (61‑3536)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  Y  Hearing Requested    9
  325   a52312 (54‑1448)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2024-12-06 (63d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  N  Not Protested    95
  326   a52319 (54‑1446)  2024-11-07 (92d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  327   a52300 (73‑3689)  2024-11-08 (91d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  328   a52301 (71‑5946)  2024-11-08 (91d)  2025-01-22 (16d)  2025-02-18 (-11d)  N  Not Protested    10
  329   a52302 (55‑13685)  2024-11-12 (87d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  330   a52305 (73‑4664)  2024-11-12 (87d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  331   a52320 (61‑3526)  2024-11-12 (87d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  332   a52315 (35‑14464)  2024-11-12 (87d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  333   a52316 (53‑1573)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  334   a52318 (54‑1447)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  335   a52313 (35‑14249)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    6
  336   a52314 (35‑14248)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    6
  337   a52306 (29‑4990)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-17 (52d)  N  Not Protested    95
  338   a52064 (15‑881)  2024-11-13 (86d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    50
  339   a52307 (73‑1549)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    76
  340   a52308 (73‑4693)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  341   a52141 (15‑376)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  342   a52322 (53‑1840)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  343   a52348 (61‑3541)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  344   a52349 (55‑12770)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  345   a52353 (54‑1319)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  346   a52354 (54‑1449)  2024-11-14 (85d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  347   a52311 (15‑3984)  2024-11-15 (84d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  348   a52356 (75‑2248)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  349   a52324 (25‑12009)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  350   a52325 (63‑4585)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  351   a52326 (63‑4824)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  352   a52327 (68‑2668)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    94
  353   a52328 (67‑1806)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    94
  354   a52329 (61‑3538)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  355   a52330 (67‑622)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  356   a52371 (61‑3537)  2024-11-18 (81d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    76
  357   a52360 (35‑5011)  2024-11-19 (80d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    6
  358   a52347 (81‑4699)  2024-11-19 (80d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    94
  359   a52358 (63‑5011)  2024-11-19 (80d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  360   a52355 (25‑6666)  2024-11-19 (80d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  361   a52309 (75‑2249)  2024-11-19 (80d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  362   a52359 (25‑5311)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    76
  363   a52357 (15‑2532)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    94
  364   a52363 (05‑4028)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    94
  365   a52364 (05‑3607)  2024-11-20 (79d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    94
  366   a52361 (53‑362)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  367   a52362 (09‑468)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    94
  368   a52367 (63‑4769)  2024-11-21 (78d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  369   a52368 (63‑5012)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    95
  370   a52365 (25‑7628)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  371   a52372 (65‑309)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  372   a52377 (35‑14493)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-31 (38d)  N  Not Protested    94
  373   a52378 (55‑13692)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  374   a52381 (55‑13674)  2024-11-22 (77d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    94
  375   a52383 (61‑3542)  2024-11-25 (74d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  376   a52384 (63‑5013)  2024-11-25 (74d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    95
  377   a52369 (43‑13871)  2024-11-25 (74d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    94
  378   a52370 (65‑3775)  2024-11-25 (74d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  379   a52376 (35‑1320)  2024-11-25 (74d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    6
  380   a52379 (73‑4683)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  381   a52380 (91‑5317)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-11 (58d)  2025-01-07 (31d)  N  Not Protested    76
  382   a52373 (81‑5684)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  383   a52374 (81‑5697)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  384   a52375 (81‑5698)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    95
  385   a52382 (71‑5944)  2024-11-26 (73d)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  N  Not Protested    50
  386   a52394 (51‑9160)  2024-11-27 (72d)  2025-01-04 (34d)  2025-01-31 (7d)  N  Not Protested    72
  387   a52385 (71‑5849)  2024-11-27 (72d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  388   a52387 (71‑216)  2024-11-27 (72d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    42
  389   a52387a (71‑5959)  2024-11-27 (72d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    42
  390   a52388 (73‑4698)  2024-11-27 (72d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    94
  391   a52389 (25‑12007)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    94
  392   a52398 (65‑4598)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  393   a52399 (65‑4599)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  394   a52400 (65‑4600)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  395   a52401 (65‑4601)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  396   a52402 (65‑4602)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  397   a52403 (65‑4603)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  398   a52404 (65‑4604)  2024-11-29 (70d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  399   a52390 (41‑3692)  2024-12-02 (67d)      N  Not Protested    95
  400   a52391 (15‑1230)  2024-12-02 (67d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    50
  401   a52392 (53‑1102)  2024-12-02 (67d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    6
  402   a52406 (68‑2187)  2024-12-02 (67d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    72
  403   a52395 (15‑4385)  2024-12-03 (66d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    72
  404   a52396 (63‑5014)  2024-12-03 (66d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    95
  405   a52393 (77‑2084)  2024-12-03 (66d)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-14 (24d)  N  Not Protested    76
  406   a52405 (73‑4695)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  407   a52407 (71‑4790)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  408   a52408 (71‑3930)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  409   a52409 (71‑3815)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  410   a52428 (53‑1891)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  411   a52429 (53‑1892)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  412   a52430 (53‑1893)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  413   a52431 (53‑1894)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  414   a52432 (53‑1895)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  415   a52433 (53‑1879)  2024-12-04 (65d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  416   a52410 (67‑701)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  417   a52411 (67‑1921)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  418   a52412 (05‑3952)  2024-12-05 (64d)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-02-04 (3d)  N  Not Protested    72
  419   a52413 (05‑3102)  2024-12-06 (63d)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-02-04 (3d)  N  Not Protested    50
  420   a52427 (53‑1890)  2024-12-06 (63d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    6
  421   a52416 (73‑4680)  2024-12-06 (63d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    94
  422   a52417 (65‑4466)  2024-12-09 (60d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  N  Not Protested    50
  423   a52423 (55‑13697)  2024-12-09 (60d)  2025-01-04 (34d)  2025-01-31 (7d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  424   a52414 (73‑4537)  2024-12-09 (60d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    76
  425   a52415 (65‑2456)  2024-12-09 (60d)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  N  Not Protested    50
  426   a52419 (61‑3543)  2024-12-09 (60d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    72
  427   a52420 (05‑3877)  2024-12-10 (59d)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-02-04 (3d)  N  Not Protested    50
  428   a52418 (35‑9921)  2024-12-10 (59d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  429   a52436 (61‑1393)  2024-12-11 (58d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  430   a52421 (71‑5603)  2024-12-11 (58d)      N  Not Protested    0
  431   a52422 (35‑14546)  2024-12-11 (58d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    94
  432   a52437 (35‑12787)  2024-12-12 (57d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    94
  433   a52438 (35‑14206)  2024-12-12 (57d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    94
  434   a52424 (81‑5700)  2024-12-12 (57d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  435   a52425 (05‑4191)  2024-12-12 (57d)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-02-04 (3d)  N  Not Protested    72
  436   a52426 (45‑6492)  2024-12-12 (57d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    50
  437   a52443 (65‑645)  2024-12-13 (56d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  438   a52435 (65‑4612)  2024-12-13 (56d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  439   a52434 (65‑4611)  2024-12-16 (53d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  440   a52439 (43‑9616)  2024-12-17 (52d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    50
  441   a52440 (25‑12015)  2024-12-17 (52d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  442   a52441 (13‑649)  2024-12-17 (52d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  443   a52442 (54‑1274)  2024-12-17 (52d)  2025-01-04 (34d)  2025-01-31 (7d)  N  Not Protested    50
  444   a52465 (51‑9161)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  N  Not Protested    50
  445   a52455 (29‑4859)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    72
  446   a52456 (55‑13344)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-04 (34d)  2025-01-31 (7d)  N  Not Protested    50
  447   a52460 (25‑9269)  2024-12-18 (51d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    72
  448   a52461 (55‑9580)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-04 (34d)  2025-01-31 (7d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    10
  449   a52457 (71‑5915)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  450   a52458 (65‑1388)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-02-05 (2d)  Y  Hearing Not Held    72
  451   a52459 (35‑4314)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    94
  452   a52466 (61‑3544)  2024-12-19 (50d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  453   a52462 (13‑4023)  2024-12-20 (49d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  454   a52463 (25‑4561)  2024-12-20 (49d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  455   a52464 (73‑4705)  2024-12-20 (49d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  456   a52512 (51‑5303)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  457   a52500 (91‑5310)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  458   a52467 (67‑1706)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    76
  459   a52468 (75‑2250)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  460   a52469 (71‑5132)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    50
  461   a52470 (63‑844)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  462   a52471 (73‑4400)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  463   a52473 (29‑4675)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  464   a52477 (09‑2343)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  465   a52478 (55‑12414)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-01 (37d)  2025-01-28 (10d)  N  Not Protested    50
  466   f52472 (71‑310)  2024-12-23 (46d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    50
  467   a52479 (73‑4533)  2024-12-24 (45d)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  N  Not Protested    76
  468   a52511 (81‑1127)  2024-12-24 (45d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  469   a52487 (91‑5309)  2024-12-24 (45d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  470   a52490 (35‑14547)  2024-12-24 (45d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  471   a52480 (25‑9942)  2024-12-26 (43d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  472   a52481 (15‑5419)  2024-12-26 (43d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  473   a52482 (51‑9162)  2024-12-26 (43d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  474   a52483 (61‑3549)  2024-12-26 (43d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  475   a52488 (81‑5699)  2024-12-27 (42d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  476   a52484 (13‑4046)  2024-12-30 (39d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  477   a52485 (51‑9145)  2024-12-30 (39d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  478   a52486 (71‑5767)  2024-12-30 (39d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  479   a52495 (95‑5513)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  480   a52496 (95‑574)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  481   a52497 (95‑426)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  482   a52498 (95‑271)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  483   a52499 (65‑4614)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  484   a52586 (55‑8901)  2024-12-31 (38d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  485   a52518 (35‑13239)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  486   a52575 (81‑37)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  487   a52492 (65‑4613)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    5
  488   a52489 (81‑5702)  2025-01-02 (36d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  489   a52493 (25‑2201)  2025-01-03 (35d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  490   a52494 (71‑3295)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  491   a52501 (25‑3126)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  492   a52502 (25‑12020)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  493   a52503 (25‑12019)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  494   a52504 (25‑3436)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  495   a52505 (25‑12018)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  496   a52506 (25‑12017)  2025-01-06 (32d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  497   a52507 (23‑3890)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  498   a52508 (73‑4208)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  499   a52509 (73‑4268)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  500   a52510 (61‑3551)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  501   a52576 (51‑9164)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  502   a52577 (63‑5015)  2025-01-07 (31d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  503   a52530 (73‑2451)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  N  Not Protested    10
  504   a52531 (25‑5418)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  505   a52532 (25‑12021)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  506   a52513 (63‑2592)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-02-11 (-4d)  N  Not Protested    10
  507   a52514 (67‑1830)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  508   a52515 (67‑1924)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  509   a52516 (67‑1926)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  510   a52517 (67‑1927)  2025-01-08 (30d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  511   a52550 (23‑4044)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  512   a52552 (29‑5021)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  513   a52554 (61‑1975)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  514   a52555 (65‑1831)  2025-01-09 (29d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  515   a52556 (63‑4436)  2025-01-10 (28d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  516   a52557 (18‑252)  2025-01-10 (28d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  517   a52558 (73‑4602)  2025-01-10 (28d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  518   a52559 (45‑6633)  2025-01-10 (28d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  519   a52616 (15‑5882)  2025-01-10 (28d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    5
  520   a52560 (63‑3147)  2025-01-13 (25d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  521   a52561 (63‑2596)  2025-01-13 (25d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  522   a52562 (71‑5858)  2025-01-13 (25d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  523   a52563 (25‑11105)  2025-01-13 (25d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  524   a52564 (75‑2252)  2025-01-13 (25d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  525   a52573 (73‑4710)  2025-01-14 (24d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  526   a52574 (18‑745)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  527   a52578 (61‑3474)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  528   a52579 (35‑7188)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  529   a52580 (73‑4704)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  530   a52582 (63‑5016)  2025-01-15 (23d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  531   a52583 (53‑1898)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  532   a52584 (95‑5330)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  533   a52585 (71‑5603)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  534   a52592 (51‑8089)  2025-01-16 (22d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  535   a52638 (57‑11017)  2025-01-17 (21d)  2025-02-14 (-7d)  2025-03-13 (-34d)  N  Not Protested    5
  536   a52587 (47‑1802)  2025-01-17 (21d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  537   a52588 (47‑1804)  2025-01-17 (21d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  538   a52591 (65‑4468)  2025-01-17 (21d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  539   a52661 (55‑12567)  2025-01-17 (21d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  540   a52589 (81‑5704)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  541   a52590 (61‑3554)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  542   a52593 (25‑9272)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  543   a52594 (73‑4496)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  544   a52596 (73‑4707)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  N  Not Protested    5
  545   a52597 (61‑3550)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-30 (8d)  2025-02-26 (-19d)  Y  Protest Letter Received    5
  546   a52598 (61‑3545)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  547   a52599 (67‑735)  2025-01-21 (17d)  2025-01-29 (9d)  2025-02-25 (-18d)  N  Not Protested    5
  548   a52608 (65‑4615)  2025-01-22 (16d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    4
  549   a52617 (31‑1863)  2025-01-22 (16d)  2025-02-14 (-7d)  2025-03-13 (-34d)  N  Not Protested    5
  550   a52609 (63‑5017)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  551   a52610 (63‑5018)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  552   a52607 (67‑1928)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    5
  553   a52600 (43‑13137)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    5
  554   a52601 (25‑10332)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  555   a52602 (65‑4155)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  556   a52603 (63‑4729)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    4
  557   a52604 (47‑1821)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    5
  558   a52605 (47‑1817)  2025-01-23 (15d)  2025-02-12 (-5d)  2025-03-11 (-32d)  N  Not Protested    5
  559   a52612 (73‑3120)  2025-01-24 (14d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  560   a52613 (73‑4674)  2025-01-24 (14d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  561   a52619 (73‑2999)  2025-01-24 (14d)  2025-02-13 (-6d)  2025-03-12 (-33d)  N  Not Protested    5
  562   a52620 (73‑4614)  2025-01-24 (14d)