Division of Water Rights
Rainwater Harvesting Registration
Telephone (10 digits, numbers only):
 Address where rainwater is to be harvested:
 (Street, RFD, Box Number)

 (City, State, Zip)

 Storage Size (Storage is limited to 2,500 gallons.)

  • To collect, store, and place the captured precipitation to a beneficial use, a person must register the use with the Utah Division of Water Rights as detailed in 73-3-1.5.
  • A person may collect and store precipitation without registering in no more than two covered storage containers if neither covered container has a maximum storage capacity of greater than 100 gallons.
  • The total allowed storage capacity with registration is no more than 2,500 gallons. Collection and use are limited to the same parcel of land on which the water is captured and stored.
  • There is no charge for registration.
  • When you submit this form, your browser will be redirected to the Rainwater Harvesting Registration certificate, which you should print for your records.
 By entering your valid e-mail address below, you certify that the information entered on this form is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
 E-mail address :