Company Name: Logan North Field Irrigation Company
County 1: Cache County 2:
County 3: County 4:
Water Right Area: 25 Irrigated Acreage: 1062.07 acres
Acre-foot Limitation: 0 CFS Limitation: 0
Source: Logan River
Distribution Accounts:LOGAN RIVER (Account Number: 101104)
Total Number of Shares In Company:0 per Share Value Diversion: 0 acft
Company Period of Use: Apr 01 To Oct 31 per Share Value Irrigation: 0 acres
    per Share Value Depletion: 0 acft
Company Comments:    
No Comments
Company Contacts (Last Updated: May 21, 2024)
 #    Title    Name    Address    Phone    Fax    Email Address  
 1  Company  Logan North Field Irrigation  PO Box 6233, North Logan, UT 84341      Lnfirrigation@gmail.com
 2  President  Craig Christensen  330 W 100 N, Logan UT, 84321  435-512-0397    craigkris@gmail.com
 3  Director  Dan Watson  235 W Center, Logan UT, 84321  435-770-4315    prof.dan.watson@gmail.com
 4  Vice President  Garth Gnehm  390 W 2500 N, Logan, UT 84341  435-770-0508    garth.gnehm@gmail.com
 5  Secretary/Treasurer  Watson Dan  235 W Center, Logan UT, 84321  435-770-4315    prof.dan.watson@gmail.com
 6  Water Master  Garth Gnehm  390 W 2500 N, Logan UT, 84321  435-770-0508    garth.gnehm@gmail.com

Company Water Rights
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity (ACFT)    Flow (CFS)    Source    Distribution
 1  25-6138    Decree  May 01, 1860  3433.11  35.15  Logan River  
 2  25-6140    Decree  May 01, 1860  108.1108  2.1  Logan River  
 3  25-6142    Decree  May 01, 1860  214.4252  4.8  Logan River  
 4  25-6144    Decree  May 01, 1860  49.754  12  Logan River  
 5  25-9981    Certificated  May 01, 1860  54.7  0  Logan River  
 6  25-9982    Certificated  May 01, 1860  2.5  0  Logan River  
 7  25-9983    Certificated  May 01, 1860  0.96  0  Logan River  
 8  25-9984    Certificated  May 01, 1860  1.04  0  Logan River  
 9  25-10220    Certificated  May 01, 1860  385.84  3.35  Logan River  
Share Statements Total:
# Water Right Date Filed Share Holder Quantity Flow Source Shares Shares

Exchanges Total:
 #    Exchange
 Priority Date     Status    Applicant     Quantity
  Flow (CFS)    Source    Shares    Share
 1  E1337  19780725  APP  James Goerig & Omar Budge  4  0  Underground Water Well  0  
 2  E1686  19800627  APP  Heber C. and Loretta K. Black , etal.  20  0  Underground Water Well  0  
 3  E1915  19810605  APP  James M. Goerig  5.5  0  Underground Water Well  0  
 4  E2196  19830705  APP  James M. Goerig  5.5  0  Logan River  0  
 5  E2197  19831205  APP  James M. Goerig  6  0  Logan River  0  
 6  E2221  19830823  APP  James M. Goerig  20  0  Underground Water Well  0  
 7  E2904  19920228  APP  James W. Lundahl , etal.  6  0  UGW-Well  0  
 8  E3162  19930803  APP  Logan Canyon Assets, LLC  6  0  UGW-Well  0  

Total Combined Summary   ACFT     CFS    # Shares  
  Total:  0  0  0
  Total water moved out of the canal:  0  0  0
  Total other water:  0  0  0
  Total water still in the canal:  0  0  0

Supplemental Water Rights (Total: 1)
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity/Flow    Source  
  1   25-2406   U1310  Underground Water Claim   1934   0.027 cfs   Underground Water Well