Company Name: Extension Irrigation Company
County 1: Wasatch County 2:
County 3: County 4:
Water Right Area: 55 Irrigated Acreage: 800 acres
Acre-foot Limitation: 0 CFS Limitation: 0
Source: Provo River
Distribution Accounts:PROVO RIVER (Account Number: 101736)
Total Number of Shares In Company:5000 per Share Value Diversion: 0.29 acft
Company Period of Use: Apr 15 To Sep 15 per Share Value Irrigation: 0.16 acres
    per Share Value Depletion: 0.2 acft
Company Comments:    

[MGAMACHE 4/16/2020 2:14:13 PM]

For surface to underground changes, the availability of water will be considered. The
direct-flow water rights tend to cut off around July 5th and the consumptive use needs
for this period is roughly 0.15 AF/share. Then, the company gets roughly 381.1 AF of
storage water at 65% efficiency, which provides for another 0.05 AF depletion / share,
or a total of 0.20 AF/share.

[(0.2/0.16)x12]/24.84 = 60.4% of consumptive use, therefore [(60.4% x 3.00 AF/acre) x
0.16 acre/share] = 0.29 AF/share is needed to meet consumptive use requirements for
shortened irrigation season.


The following quantification is for surface to surface changes, although such quantity
is better described and administered as a percentage of the available flow (i.e. # of
shares / 5000 x 100%)

[MGAMACHE 12/20/2019 8:06:13 AM]
The basis of this company`s water rights is the 1921 Provo River Decree (Civil no.
2888). The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (paragraph 103 page 62) shows that
this company is entitled to 800 acres of irrigation. The articles of incorporation show
that this company is authorized to issue 5000 shares of stock.

800/5000 = .16 acre/share

Being 14th and 17th class rights, the water tends to cease being available on or around
July 5th.

13.333 cfs from 4/15-5/1 (17 days) = 449.5755
20.000 cfs from 5/2-7/5 (65 days) = 2578.512
(449.5755+2578.512)/5000 = 0.6 AF diversion/share

From Devin McKrola`s calculations;
0.15+0.05 = 0.20 AF depletion/share


55-9047 (E408) is an exchange application approved in 1971 based on 10 shares of
Extension Irrigation Company Stock, and can also be considered a share statement, but is
not shown below.

Extension Irrigation Company has storage rights through contracts with BOR/CUWCD in
addition to its base rights which yields on average 381 acre-feet per year.
Company Contacts (Last Updated: Jan 13, 2012)
 #    Title    Name    Address    Phone    Fax    Email Address  
 1  President  Scott Bassett  4600 E Lake Creek Farms Rd, Heber, UT 84032  435-657-2912    
 2  Director  Eric Bunker  1822 W 3000 S, Heber, UT 84032  435-657-1638    
 3  Director  Claude Hicken  341 E 600 S, Heber, UT 84032  435-671-0881    
 4  Director  Vaun Shelton  685 S 600 W, Heber, UT 84032  435-654-1784    
 5  Director  David Hutchinson  1290 Valley Ridge Dr, Heber, UT 84032  801-541-4949    
 6  Secretary  Jane Giles  179 E 100 S, Heber, UT 84032  435-654-1784    

Company Water Rights
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity (ACFT)    Flow (CFS)    Source    Distribution
 1  35-8740  A9580  Certificated  Aug 25, 1924  0  210  Weber River  WEBER RIVER
 2  55-11300    Decree  No Date  2400  13.333  Provo River  
 3  55-11316    Decree  No Date  0  6.667  Provo River  
Share Statements Total:
# Water Right Date Filed Share Holder Quantity Flow Source Shares Shares
 1        55-9362  No Date  Brian and Natalie Henning  0.45 acft  0 cfs  Underground Water Well  0.75  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a21878a   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a22670   (CERT)    Priority: Oct 27, 1998  
 2        55-9443  No Date   Jordanelle Special Service District  205.2 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  342  Move out of the Canal
  Change: t24922   (WD)    Priority: Sep 11, 2000  
  Change: a24923   (APP)    Priority: Sep 11, 2000  
  Change: a21878b   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a23617   (WD)    Priority: Aug 17, 1999  
  Change: a23829   (AMEN)    Priority: Oct 13, 1999  
  Change: t27848   (LAP)    Priority: May 02, 2003  
 3        55-9544  No Date   Mountain View Ranches  85.5 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  142.5  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a21878c   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: t27848   (LAP)    Priority: May 02, 2003  
  Change: a25137   (APP)    Priority: Dec 13, 2000  
 4        55-11891  May 02, 1921  Share Holder Not Found  0 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  0  
  Change: a21878d   (WD)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 5        55-11900  No Date   RE Investment Holdings LLC  98.1 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  163.5  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a21878e   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a27846   (APP)    Priority: Oct 30, 2013  
 6        55-11907  No Date  Gordon B Grange and Kay Kummer Grange  1.2471 acft  0 cfs  Underground Water Well  5  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a21878f   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a27898   (CERT)    Priority: May 15, 2003  
 7        55-11929  No Date  Marnee McLeran  5 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  0  
  Change: a21878g   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a28370   (AMEN)    Priority: Oct 22, 2003  
 8        55-11978  No Date   S-8 Investment Company  12.5 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  25  
  Change: a21878h   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
  Change: a28700   (REJ)    Priority: Mar 02, 2004  
 9        55-12056  No Date   Hatch Investments  1.2 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  2  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a31171   (LAP)    Priority: Mar 13, 2006  
  Change: a21878i   (WD)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 10        55-12057  No Date  Share Holder Not Found  0 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  2  
  Change: a21878j   (WD)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 11        55-12115  No Date  John Wootton Lewis and Lacinda S. Lewis  1.5 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  3  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a30441   (APP)    Priority: Jul 20, 2005  
  Change: a21878k   (AMEN)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 12        55-12171  No Date  Wendy E. Gardner  1.18 acft  0 cfs  Underground Water Well  6  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a31169   (CERT)    Priority: Feb 27, 2006  
  Change: a21878l   (WD)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 13        55-12196  No Date  Share Holder Not Found  75.024 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  125.04  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a32085   (APP)    Priority: Oct 30, 2006  
  Change: a21878m   (WD)    Priority: Feb 02, 1998  
 14        55-12306  No Date  Devin and Melissa McKrola  0.6 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  1  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a33346   (APP)    Priority: May 04, 2015  
 15        55-12600  Oct 25, 2013  Alfred B. Heywood and LeNell Heywood  6 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  10  Move out of the Canal
  Change: a39427   (APP)    Priority: Nov 21, 2013  
 16        55-12924  Aug 27, 2018   Hutchinson Enterprises Inc.  45 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  75  
 17        55-13039  Jul 30, 2019   Twin Creeks Special Service District  0 acft  0.604 cfs  Provo River  151  
  Change: a45211   (APP)    Priority: Oct 16, 2019  
 18        55-13044  Aug 06, 2019   North Village Special Service District  0 acft  0.26 cfs  Provo River  65  
  Change: a45207   (APP)    Priority: Oct 16, 2019  
 19        55-13213  Sep 09, 2020   J LC  5.8 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  20  
 20        55-13553  Dec 16, 2022  Share Holder Not Found  10.73 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  37  
  Change: a49797   (APP)    Priority: Dec 16, 2022  
 21        55-13555  Dec 16, 2022  Share Holder Not Found  14.5 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  50  
  Change: a49798   (APP)    Priority: Dec 16, 2022  
 22        55-13669  Jun 28, 2024   Jaffa Lynch Investors Group, LLC  23.0318 acft  0 cfs  Provo River  79.42  
  Change: a51882   (UNAP)    Priority: Jun 27, 2024  

Exchanges Total:
 #    Exchange
 Priority Date     Status    Applicant     Quantity
  Flow (CFS)    Source    Shares    Share
 1  E122  19621227  APP  B. J. B. Investment Company c/o Kenneth Johnson  0.61  0  Underground Water Well  1  Move out of the Canal
 2  E182  19650827  APP  Albert Winterrose  3.66  0  Underground Water Wells  6  Move out of the Canal
 3  E408  19710408  LAP  Cecil E. Holloway  6.1  0  well  10  Move out of the Canal
 4  E490  19720106  APP  HVP Acre 10, LLC  6  0  Underground Water Well  10  Move out of the Canal

Total Combined Summary   ACFT     CFS    # Shares  
  Total:  0  0  5000
  Total water moved out of the canal:  492.3711  0  827.79
  Total other water:  0  0  0
  Total water still in the canal:  -492.3711  0  4172.21

Supplemental Water Rights (Total: 0)
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity/Flow    Source