Company Name: Hurricane Canal Company
County 1: Washington County 2:
County 3: County 4:
Water Right Area: 81 Irrigated Acreage: 2000 acres
Acre-foot Limitation: 0 CFS Limitation: 0
Source: Virgin River
Distribution Accounts:VIRGIN RIVER (Account Number: 102440)
Total Number of Shares In Company:2772 per Share Value Diversion: 5.4 acft
Company Period of Use: Jan 01 To Dec 31 per Share Value Irrigation: 0.9 acres
    per Share Value Depletion: 0 acft
Company Comments:    

Per phone conversation with Mac Hall 8/25/21:

1 primary share = 5.4 AF/year
1 secondary share = 1.5 AF/year

From Ron Thompson email dated 7/13/2021 to Nathan Moses

When we talked a couple of weeks ago I said I would get you appropriate shareholder
information. The Hurricane Canal Company has 2000 primary shareholders and 800 secondary
shareholders. The Hurricane Canal Co. has as delivery contract with the Water
Conservancy District to deliver twelve thousand acre feet of water in a less than
average year and fifteen thousand acre feet in an average or above year. Of the twelve
thousand acre foot allocation, the primary shareholders receive 10,800 acre feet and the
secondary shares receive one and one half acre feet Thank you for looking at this, if I
can be of any help you can contact me anytime.
Company Contacts (Last Updated: Sep 02, 2022)
 #    Title    Name    Address    Phone    Fax    Email Address  
 1  Company  Hurricane Canal Company  P.O. Box 593, Hurricane, UT 84737  435-635-4614    
 2  President  Mac J. Hall    435-668-8552    
 3  Secretary  Stuart Stout    435-467-3995    
 4  Board Member  Loyd Jessop    435-669-9613    
 5  Board Member  Kelby Iverson    435-669-8277    
 6  Board Member  John Bramall    435-632-4234    
 7  Water Master  Jeanette Thomas    435-773-7787    
 8  Water Master  Darrell Hall    435-590-2018    

Company Water Rights
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity (ACFT)    Flow (CFS)    Source    Distribution
 1  81-157  A13194  Certificated  Mar 29, 1940  4196.7  63  Virgin River  
 2  81-279  A23616  Certificated  Mar 07, 1952  1000  0  Frog Hollow Wash  
 3  81-2475    Certificated  1893  10308.062  31.2367  Virgin River  
Share Statements Total:
# Water Right Date Filed Share Holder Quantity Flow Source Shares Shares
 1        81-5548  Aug 25, 2022   Calypso Ridge Properties, LLC  115.476 acft  0 cfs  Virgin River  30.184  

Exchanges Total:
 #    Exchange
 Priority Date     Status    Applicant     Quantity
  Flow (CFS)    Source    Shares    Share
 1  E113  19620831  REJ  City of St. GeorgeDept. of Power & Water  0  0.47    0  

Total Combined Summary   ACFT     CFS    # Shares  
  Total:  0  0  2772
  Total water moved out of the canal:  0  0  0
  Total other water:  0  0  0
  Total water still in the canal:  0  0  2772

Supplemental Water Rights (Total: 10)
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity/Flow    Source  
  1   61-64   A12562  Certificated   Feb 08, 1966   10 cfs AND 5400 acft   Navajo Lake & North Fork Virgin Riv.      
  2   81-42   A5365  Certificated   Sep 07, 1951   58.8 acft   Big Creek (Kolob Creek)      
  3   81-142   A12571  Certificated   Dec 03, 1937   4000 acft   Big Creek (Kolob Creek)      
  4   81-157   A13194  Certificated   Mar 29, 1940   63 cfs OR 4196.7 acft   Virgin River      
  5   81-168   A14587  Certificated   Dec 03, 1957   7.85 cfs   Frog Hollow Wash      
  6   81-279   A23616  Certificated   Mar 07, 1952   1000 acft   Frog Hollow Wash      
  7   81-307   A26952  Certificated   May 10, 1955   250 acft   Big Creek (Kolob Creek)      
  8   81-926   A38323  Certificated   Jun 26, 1967   10.314 acft   Underground Water Well      
  9   81-2475    Certificated   1893   31.2367 cfs OR 10308.062 acft   Virgin River      
  10   81-5060    Certificated   1893   1.0847 cfs OR 358 acft   Virgin River