Company Name: Piute Reservoir & Irrigation Company
County 1: Sevier County 2: Sanpete
County 3: Piute County 4:
Water Right Area: 63 Irrigated Acreage: 16532.95 acres
Acre-foot Limitation: 0 CFS Limitation: 0
Source: Sevier River,
Distribution Accounts:SEVIER RIVER (Account Number: 102221)
Total Number of Shares In Company:14356.47 per Share Value Diversion: 2.04 acft
Company Period of Use: Jan 31 To Dec 31 per Share Value Irrigation: 1.1516 acres
    per Share Value Depletion: 0 acft
Company Comments:    
No Comments
Company Contacts (Last Updated: Mar 19, 2024)
 #    Title    Name    Address    Phone    Fax    Email Address  
 1  President  Loni Hammond Mr.  PO Box 120, Gunnison, UT 84634  435-201-3418    hammond255@gmail.com
 2  Vice President  Mike Roberts Mr.  PO BOX 570081, Sigurd, UT 84657  435 979 5404    rznhay@yahoo.com
 3  Secretary  Kerry Savage Mr.  PO Box 363, Richfield, UT 84701  435-896-8386    piuterico@gmail.com
 4  Water Master  Mandi Smith  2195 W 2405 N, Venice, UT 84701  435-201-9199    sevierwater@gmail.com

Company Water Rights
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity (ACFT)    Flow (CFS)    Source    Distribution
 1  61-858    Certificated  1881  360  1.5  Mitchell Spring and Slough  
 2  61-2067  A296  Decree  Mar 14, 1905  0  0.84  South Fork of the Sevier River  
 3  61-2068  A296  Decree  Mar 14, 1905  0  3  Sevier River  
 4  61-2069  A296  Decree  Mar 14, 1905  0  1.78  Price Spring  
 5  61-2070    Decree  Mar 14, 1905  0  12  Barnson Springs  
 6  61-2131  A296  Decree  Mar 14, 1905  0  0.92    
 7  63-1  A296  Certificated  Mar 14, 1905  82300  0  Sevier River  
 8  63-5  A1534  Certificated  Aug 16, 1907  9100  200  Sevier River  
 9  63-7  A1624  Certificated  Oct 21, 1907  0  245  Sevier River  
 10  63-343  A28455  No Proof Required  Aug 27, 1956  0  0.015  Underground Water Well  
 11  63-2819  A1300  Decree  1872  3750  0  Sevier River  
 12  63-2821  A2870  Certificated  No Date  1860  0  Sevier River  
 13  63-3152    Decree  1903  0  0  Sevier River  
 14  63-3898    Certificated  1876  0  3.4153  Sevier River  
 15  63-3899    Certificated  1876  1043.28  5.096  Sevier River  
 16  65-2562    Approved  Jul 03, 1954  0  9.35  Sevier River  
 17  65-2563    Approved  Apr 20, 1960  0  1.84  Underground Water Well  
 18  66-291    Decree  Oct 30, 1936  0  13.95  Sevier River  
Share Statements Total:
# Water Right Date Filed Share Holder Quantity Flow Source Shares Shares
 1        61-1361  Mar 14, 1905  Share Holder Not Found  10.5 acft  0 cfs  Sevier River  5  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a14605   (LAP)    Priority: Feb 02, 1988  
 2        63-2514  Feb 23, 1976  Share Holder Not Found  0 acft  300 cfs  Sevier River  0  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a8780   (CERT)    Priority: Feb 23, 1976  
 3        63-2831  No Date  Share Holder Not Found  100 acft  0 cfs  Sevier River  110  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a29892   (CERT)    Priority: Feb 24, 2005  
  Change: a5503   (AMEN)    Priority: Apr 30, 1968  
 4        63-4650  Nov 02, 2010  Wayne H. and Ann L. Sorensen  78.4992 acft  0 cfs  Sevier River  38.48  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a36977   (CERT)    Priority: Nov 22, 2010  
 5        63-4727  Aug 28, 2014   Ronald Bosshardt Trust  4.08 acft  0 cfs  Sevier River,  2  Keep in the Canal
 6        63-4746  Nov 03, 2015  Juel A. Parker  40.8 acft  0 cfs  Sevier River,  20  Keep in the Canal
  Change: a41595   (LAP)    Priority: Apr 27, 2016  

Exchanges Total:
 #    Exchange
 Priority Date     Status    Applicant     Quantity
  Flow (CFS)    Source    Shares    Share
 1  E965  19760227  LAP  Township Acres Subdivision Corporation  30  0  Underground Water Well  0  

Total Combined Summary   ACFT     CFS    # Shares  
  Total:  0  0  14356.47
  Total water moved out of the canal:  0  0  0
  Total other water:  0  0  0
  Total water still in the canal:  0  0  14356.47

Supplemental Water Rights (Total: 3)
 #    Water Right    Appl/Claim
 Type/Status    Priority Date    Quantity/Flow    Source  
  1   63-2022   U44857  Certificated   Mar 26, 1975   0.015 cfs   Underground Water Well      
  2   63-2126   A47152  Certificated   Oct 18, 1976   0.015 cfs   Underground Water Well      
  3   63-2411   A55660  Certificated   Jan 26, 1981   0.015 cfs   Underground Water Well