GSL Basin Measurement Infrastructure Gap Analysis - Stakeholder Meeting

Who:Interested parties may participate in the stakeholder meeting
When:August 15, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Where:Zoom Meeting Link -


The Utah Division of Water Rights and Utah State University has completed a year-long analysis of the Great Salt Lake basin to identify stream gaging and diversion measurement infrastructure gaps. The "Measurement Infrastructure Gap Analysis in Utah's Great Salt Lake Basin" provides a comprehensive inventory and analysis of existing diversion and stream measurement infrastructure along 19 primary river systems within the GSL watershed, as well as a preliminary investigation of measurement infrastructure gaps immediately around the Great Salt Lake.

The finalized GSL Basin Measurement Infrastructure Gap Analysis and all corresponding data has been published to Hydroshare and can be accessed via the following URL:

In addition to the link above the meeting may be accessed here:

Join Zoom Meeting by Phone:
+1 669 900 6833
+1 253 215 8782 
Meeting ID: 871 7282 4233
Passcode: 950199