Proposed Southern Nevada Water Authority Development Project in Eastern Nevada

Revised: March 25, 2005

The following comment was submitted to the Division by email:

Excerpts from the Report of Investigation 254, Utah Geological Survey
A Division of the Utah Department of Natural resources
Full text available from:
State of Utah
Department of Natural Resources
Utah Geological Survey
1594 W North Temple
Ste 3110
POB 146100
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6100
January, 2005
The Southern Nevada Water Authority has proposed a system of 146 water-supply wells in
 south-central and south-eastern Nevada to supply water to the Las Vegas area. , Nine of
 the proposed wells, with a total withdrawal of 25,000 acre-feet per year (31 hm3/yr),
 are located along the eastern flank of the southern Snake Range in eastern White Pine
 County, within 5 miles (8 km) of the Utah-Nevada line. Construction of the wells is
 scheduled to begin in 2007.
Numeric models show a potential groundwater decline from the proposed wells of greater
 than 100 feet (31m) in westernmost Millard County, UT. The magnitude of this drawdown
 would adversely affect both existing and future spring, surface, and groundwater uses
 in Utah.
Groundwater in the Snake Valley Hydrologic basin resides primarily in two main aquifers,
 Quaternary-Tertiary basin fill and Paleozoic carbonate rocks.  Storage and transport of
 groundwater occurs in intergranular pore space in the basin-fill aquifer and in
 solution-widened joints, faults and bedding planes in the carbonate bedrock aquifer.
  Hydraulic parameters of the two primary aquifers are relatively well known, but their
 subsurface geometries, extent, and the influence of geologic structures on ground-water
 flow are poorly constrained.
The subsurface structure and the hydrologic connectivity of the main aquifers are complex
 due to the geologic evolution and structural complexity of the area.  An important, but
 unresolved, problem is to determine the pathway of ground-water as it moves from recharge
 areas high in the Snake Range to the principal aquifers below the valley.  The recharge
 areas are in the lower plate of a major east-dipping, low-angle normal fault zone that is
 likely a barrier to ground-water flow across its plane.  Water, therefore, must somehow
 cross this fault in order to enter the aquifers, but the pathways are not well understood.
  The proposed wells are located in this structurally complex transition zone, where the
 recharge is actively entering the aquifers.  The location and depth of the proposed wells
 will, therefore, strongly influence whether they capture recharge that would otherwise
 enter the primary aquifers, and the parts of the aquifers that will be impacted most.
We recommend further work to better constrain the effects of the proposed wells, including
 quantification of the present hydrologic balance and recharge pathways, detailed gravity
 surveys, construction of additional cross sections, assessments of other potential aquifers,
 and quantification of fracture densities and orientations in the carbonate aquifers.
Nine new water-supply wells have been proposed by the Southern Nevada Water Authority along
 the eastern flank of the Southern Snake Range and the adjoining Snake Valley within 5 miles
 (8 km) of the Utah-Nevada border.  Total proposed withdrawal from these wells is up to
 25,000 care-feet per year (31 hm3/yr).  The project is currently in the planning stage
 with construction to begin in 2007.  Existing numeric models suggest that this withdrawal
 will produce up to 100 feet (31m) of drawdown of the groundwater table extending into
 Millard County in Utah.  This magnitude of drawdown would adversely affect both existing
 and future ground-water uses in Utah.  Flow from springs and seeps and the quantity of
 groundwater available for use by surface vegetation will likely decrease.  The decline
 in ground-water levels could produce lasting and irreversible effects on both the
 agriculture and native vegetation of the Snake Valley.  If the basin-fill aquifer is
 substantially dewatered, ground subsidence, cracking, and permanent degradation of its
 hydrologic properties may occur.  The hydrologic balance of discharge and recharge in the
 Snake Valley currently has a yearly outflow of ground-water (Carlton, 1985).  Proposed
 additional withdrawals could change this balance to a relatively small outflow or net
Quantification of the specific effects of withdrawal by the SNWA wells cannot presently
 be accomplished because detailed information about the aquifers and basin scale hydrology
 of the area is lacking.  Aspects of the hydrologic system that are poorly known include
 (1) the structural geometries of basin-fill and carbonate aquifers beneath the Snake
 Valley, (2)  the fracture characteristics of the upper-plate rocks of the Snake Range
 decollement, and (3) the thickness and lithologies of the basin-fill aquifer near the
 proposed well field.  Additional work, including detailed map compilation, construction
 of additional cross sections, detailed gravity profiles, and detailed quantification of
 hydrologic balance, is recommended to assess the impact of the proposed ground-water
 withdrawals, and to evaluate the regional structural and hydrologic connectivity of the
 carbonate aquifer.
We conclude the following:
   Wells proposed by the SNWA will likely adversely affect ground-water conditions in
 nearby Utah.
   Total drawdown of ground-water near Garrison in western Millard County could be greater
 than 100 feet (31m).
   The proposed pumping may change or reverse ground-water flow patterns for much of the
 east-central Great Basin in Utah and Nevada.  The affects may eventually propagate
 eastward, and impact discharge at important regional springs in Wah Wah Valley and Tule
   Discharge of agriculturally and ecologically important springs will decrease.
   Further work is warranted to qualify both the hydrogeologic framework and hydrologic
 balance of the Snake Valley to accurately predict the effects of the proposed wells.
Terry Marasco
Silver Jack Inn
POB 69
Baker, NV 89311