By decree of the 4th Judicial District Court dated February 26, 1901. Rights of the applicants' predecessors were determined to be as follows: Company Period ------- ------ 4/15-7/1 7/1-9/20 9/20-4/1 4/1-4/15 -------- -------- -------- -------- American Fork Irrigation Company 25/42 20/42 25/33 2.5/33 Pleasant Grove Irrigation Company 10/42 8/42 2.5/33 6/33 Lehi Irrigation Company 7/42 14/42 5.5/33 5.5/33 The fractions given represent that part of the "total flow of the waters thereof" of American Fork Canyon Creek, owned by each of the applicants. By later decree of the same court dated October 2, 1902, the base flow to which these original users were entitled was set at 75 cfs. FLOW: This same flow is intermittantly diverted by any, each, or all of the following claims: 6956,7201.