Water Right Number Priority Date Acre-Feet 73-195 August 1919 300.00 73-342 June 16, 1934 2.80 73-1075 May 23, 1935 420.00 73-2650 July 1926 139.00 ________ Total: 861.80 Water Right 73-195 is limited as a primary supply for the irrigation requirements of 75.00 acres. 73-195 and 73-342 are limited as a secondary or supplemental supply with shares in Coal Creek Irrigation Company for the irrigation requirements of up to 220.40 acres. Any water diverted for irrigation (over and above the 300 acre-feet of primary right under Water Right Number 73-195) shall only be taken to the extent that water is not available under the applicant`s shares in Coal Creek Irrigation Company and only for use on lands historically irrigated with Coal Creek shares. No new lands may be irrigated under the supplemental or secondary diversions. If the owner of this water right or successor(s) in interest shall be divested of any shares as held at the time of certification, the right for secondary or supplemental irrigation shall be reduced in proportion to the shares sold.