Water diverted at the point described in Paragraph #8 (Slaterville Diversion Dam) and stored in Willard Reservoir under Application 27613 (35-831) will be pumped from the reservoir by Willard Canal Pump No. 1 and conveyed southerly in the Willard Canal. At Willard Canal Pump #2 it will be pumped again and discharged to the Weber River upstream from the Slaterville Diversion Dam. From the river, it will be conveyed southerly in the Layton Canal Pump Intake Channel, pumped into the Layton Canal and conveyed southerly to a point near the center of Sec. 16, T5N R2W. At this point, the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District will construct a 100 acre-feet equalizing reservoir and a 150 second-foot pump. The water will then be pumped eastward a distance of 15,400 feet and discharged into the Davis-Weber Canal. As the Willard Reservoir water is delivered to the Davis-Weber Canal, a like amount of Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company water will be diverted into the Gateway Canal at the Stoddard Diversion Dam and used for Weber Basin Project purposes through project facilities in Davis, Morgan, Weber and Summit Counties. SURVEY RECEIVED 6/8/93 (WATER MEASURED BY THE OGDEN RIVER COMMISSIONER)#2-D&E