Division of Water Rights
The applicant is hereby authorized to dredge in accordance with the conditions as set forth on this permit and the Minimum Standards/Rules for Stream Channel Alterations within the State of Utah and in conformance with the attached list of streams which are available for dredging under this permit.
  2. This permit is not transferable. The permittee must be at the work site at all times when work is being conducted. To avoid excessive impacts, this permit is not valid for prospecting groups with more than four (4) people actively digging with one (1) device (larger group outings will require a “Joint Permit Application Form for Natural Channels” to be filed with this office).
  3. This permit does not constitute any of the following:
    1. An easement or right-of-way to trespass across or work upon property or mining claims belonging to others.
    2. Other approvals that may be required by local, state or federal government.
    3. Acceptance by the Division of Water Rights of responsibility for damage to areas dredged or to adjacent properties.
  4. Dredging shall be conducted in a manner such that the return water from the dredge does not increase the turbidity of the stream further than forty (40) feet below the dredging operation, or have adverse impacts upon the water quality or stream channel stability.
  5. Use of equipment with a nozzle diameter in excess of 4 inches, or equipment capacity in excess of 12 horsepower is a violation of this permit.
  6. All refuse, chemicals and petroleum products shall be stored and maintained 30' away from the stream and disposed of away from the site in an approved waste disposal facility. No petroleum products or chemicals shall enter the stream at any time.
  7. This permit specifically prohibits the following activities:
    1. Disturbance of any stream bank or undercut stream bank areas.
    2. Hydraulic mining operations of any type, such as highbanking which washes material from the bank into the water.
    3. Damming of a stream channel for any reason.
    4. Using winches to move boulders or large woody debris which cannot be moved by hand. Removal of boulders or large woody debris from the stream bed to the bank.
    5. Deposition of discharge material to redirect stream current.
    6. Removal or discharge of material from outside the existing water surface.
    7. Use of mercury or other processing/extractive chemicals.
  8. No power equipment shall be operated within 500 feet of a developed campground or state park.
  9. Dredging shall not be conducted within 100 feet of a bridge support, nor shall dredging interfere with any existing habitat improvement structures, stream channel improvements, gauging stations, or diversions.
  10. No dredging is permitted in streams that contain threatened or endangered fish or amphibian species, or streams designated as critical habitat for such species.
  11. All sites must be accessed by existing trails or roads, unless other appropriate permits are acquired (see travel plan maps at land management offices listed).
  12. Anchorage systems may not restrict water craft; free, unobstructed access to boaters must be allowed.
  13. Violation of any condition of this permit may result in cancellation of this permit without further notice.
  14. Prospecting and camping areas should be left clear of all litter and refuse. Pack it in! Pack it out!