Division of Water Rights




                  (Water Right Areas 31 and 35)


This document sets forth the State Engineer's policy for the
management and administration of ground water in the Weber Delta
Sub-Area.  The objectives of this ground-water management plan
are to guide future ground-water development, to establish a
policy for new appropriations of water and change applications on
existing water rights, and to protect the resource from over

The area includes those portions of Weber and Davis counties
bounded by the Weber-Box Elder County line on the north, the edge
of the valley fill on the east, the Farmington-Centerville line
on the south, and the Great Salt Lake on the west.


The estimated annual recharge to the ground-water aquifer in the
Weber Delta Sub-Area is estimated to be 95,000 acre-feet.  Total
discharge from ground water is estimated to be 95,000 acre-feet
per year, of which withdrawals from wells account for about
53,800 acre-feet.

Monitoring of ground-water levels in the area indicates general
declines over the entire sub-area.  Declines of over 40 feet have
occurred in the area from Layton to Riverdale.

The quality of the ground water is generally good except for some
pockets of poor quality.  Some concern has been expressed about
ground-water contamination on and near Hill Air Force Base due to
past disposal of chemicals.  To control the migration of the
contaminants, it may be necessary to place restrictions on future
ground-water withdrawals in and adjacent to these areas.

From a review of the existing ground water rights in this
sub-area, it is estimated that "potential withdrawals", under
perfected water rights and approved applications to appropriate
water, total 110,000 acre-feet annually.  This water right
analysis indicates that more "paper water" exists than "wet
water".  Many of these "paper water" rights may no longer be used
and may have been lost through non-use.  Depending on the amount
of these unused water rights, there may still be opportunities
for a limited number of new appropriations of ground water.  Not
all water rights are used each year to their fullest extent;
therefore, to fully utilize the resource, it is reasonable to
grant water rights in excess of the safe annual yield of the
ground-water system.  A primary purpose of the management plan is
to ensure that actual well withdrawals do not exceed the
long-term ground-water recharge.  If withdrawals did exceed the
safe yield of the aquifer, then water rights would have to be
distributed based upon priority.


To administer, manage and protect the ground water resources in
the Weber Delta sub-area, the State Engineer hereby adopts a
ground water management plan as set forth below.

1)   Diversions from wells in the entire sub-area will be limited
     to a total of 90,000 acre-feet annually on a 5 year moving
     average and shall not exceed 120,000 acre-feet in any single
     calendar year.

2)   Wells which are drilled subsequent to the implementation of
     this plan shall be spaced such that a maximum of 15 feet of
     drawdown results on any well with an earlier priority date.
     Users in a particular area may enter into a written
     agreement for a variance from this requirement subject
     to approval by the State Engineer, and if no more than 15
     feet of drawdown results with third party rights.

3)   Applications to appropriate water will be considered on a
     limited basis under the following guidelines:

     a)   Applications to appropriate water from the principal
          ground water aquifer for single family domestic wells
          shall be limited to diversions of 1.0 acre-foot
          annually and must be located in areas not served by a
          public water system. These applications will be
          approved for a fixed period of time subject to the
          condition that when a public water system becomes
          available, the well will be properly sealed and the
          water right will terminate.

     b)   In considering new applications to appropriate water
          for quantities greater than single family domestic
          wells, preference will be given to municipal water
          suppliers who can demonstrate an immediate need for the
          water.  No new applications to appropriate water will
          be approved in those areas where the historical water
          level declines are determined to be critical.

     c)   Applications to appropriate water from drains or
          shallow wells of 30 feet or less in depth will still be
          considered based on the individual merits of the

4)   Change applications will be considered on their own
     individual merits and critically evaluated for effects on
     other wells and the ground-water system.  Applications will
     be critically reviewed if they seek to move a water right a
     large distance, into an area which is experiencing
     significant declines in water level, or propose to convert
     surface or shallow ground water rights to a deep well
     (greater than 30 feet deep).  No change applications which
     propose to transfer water into the Layton-Riverdale area,
     which has the largest declines in the area, will be

5)   Requests for extension of time to place water to beneficial
     use for pending applications will be critically reviewed as
     per Section 73-3-12 of the Utah Code.  If the State Engineer
     finds unjustified delays or a lack of due diligence, the
     request may be granted in part, the priority of the
     application reduced, or the request may be denied entirely.

6)   All wells which potentially could divert 100 acre-feet or
     more per year shall be equipped with a totalizing meter and
     the water user shall report the annual withdrawals recorded
     by the meters to the State Engineer.

7)   A number of contaminated sites have been identified on or
     near Hill Air Force Base.  For the purposes of this
     management plan, these areas are referred to as restricted
     areas.  To protect public health and reduce the movement of
     these contaminants, no new applications to appropriate water
     or change applications which propose to transfer water into
     these restricted areas will be granted.  The restricted
     areas are:

          Restricted Area 1

          Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian:
          NW1/4, SW1/4 Section 4;
          All Section 5;
          All Section 6;
          NE1/4, NW1/4, SE1/4 Section 7;
          All Section 8
          NW1/4, SW1/4 Section 9
          NW1/4 Section 16
          All Section 17
          Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian:
          NW1/4, SW1/4, SE1/4 Section 28
          SE1/4 Section 29
          SE1/4 Section 31
          NE1/4, SW1/4, SE1/4 Section 32
          NE1/4, NW1/4, SE1/4 Section 33

          Restricted Area 2

          Township 5 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian:
          SW1/4 Section 18
          NW1/4, SW1/4, SE1/4 Section 19
          Township 5 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian:
          SE1/4 Section 13
          SW1/4, SE1/4 Section 23
          NE1/4, SW1/4 Section 24
          SW1/4 Section 25
          NE1/4, NW1/4 Section 26

     Efforts to control these contaminants are currently under
     way. When these contaminants are successfully cleaned up and
     no longer pose a threat to ground-water aquifers, the State
     Engineer will consider allowing the construction of wells in
     these sections.

8)   Water users are requested to submit copies of any water
     quality information or testing results to the State
     Engineer.  Additional diversion restrictions or other
     measures deemed necessary may be imposed, after public
     review, if it is determined that water quality in the
     aquifer is deteriorating.  Any information relating to
     determinations of aquifer characteristics should also be
     provided to the State Engineer.

The area covered by this proposed plan is rapidly being
urbanized. Lands previously devoted to irrigated agriculture are
being converted to commercial and residential uses.  Public water
suppliers are moving to meet these new demands on their systems.
As a consequence, suppliers are using more ground water and it
appears this trend will continue during the next several years.
This plan can, hopefully, provide a framework for the orderly and
efficient development of ground-water supplies while minimizing
such attendant problems as well interference, contamination, and