November 15,1995


Northern Juab Valley is defined as the alluvial valley which is tributary to
Currant Creek and is bounded on the east by the Wasatch and San Pitch
mountains, on the west by the West Hills and Long Ridge, on the north by York
Ridge, and on the south by Levan Ridge.

Developments in Utah Valley are having an impact on the land use practices in
Juab Valley.  Land use is being changed from agricultural to residential.  The
water resources of this valley are tributary to Utah Lake through Mona
Reservoir and Currant Creek.  Hence, ground-water development and changes in
water use practices appear to have an effect on the Utah Lake System, which is
fully appropriated.

Currently, appropriations of ground-water are allowed for single family
residential use where no other source of water is available.

Changing land use practices and the hydrologic connection between Northern
Juab Valley and Utah Lake have prompted the State Engineer to re-evaluate his
policy for Northern Juab Valley.

1.   New Appropriations

     The Northern Juab Valley is closed to new appropriations of

2.   Change Applications

     All new withdrawals of ground-water will be based on the acquisition and
     transfer of existing surface or ground-water rights, and the filing of a
     change application.  These applications will be considered on their own
     merits.  In order to better protect prior water rights and public health
     and safety, consideration will be given as to whether the application
     proposes delivery through a central water system and the discharge of
     effluent through a sanitary sewer system.  All such applications will be
     required to indicate, in acre-feet per year, the proposed annual

3.  Proof of Change

     All proofs of change will be required to state the water right's annual
     withdrawal in acre-feet per year in addition to the maximum allowable
     flow rate.  All maps submitted with proofs of change which involve the
     transfer of irrigation water rights must illustrate the lands being
     taken out of irrigation as well as the new uses covered under change.

4.   Reporting Provisions

     To effectively monitor ground-water withdrawals, all wells which have
     the potential to divert 100 acre-feet or more per year shall be equipped
     with meters and shall report their diversions on a calendar year basis
     through Water Use Data Program which is operated by the State Engineer's

5.   Oversight

     The State Engineer will monitor pumpage figures, potential withdrawals
     by wells, data on well withdrawals, and data on water quality.  If in
     the opinion of the State Engineer, the data suggests additional
     management guidelines are needed in order to protect the resources,
     action will be taken to present this to the water users and the general
     public.  This policy can be modified following the public review

6.   Adoption of Policy

     Item 1 of this policy will become effective immediately.  Items 2
     through 5 shall become effective after a thirty (30) day comment period
     which will end on December 15, 1995.  Items of this policy may be
     modified in the future as new data and information becomes available.
     All modifications to the policy will be done through a public review