Division of Water Rights


April 16, 1993
Dear Water Users:
RE:     Water Supply Update Under The Water Distribution
        Plan For the Utah Lake Drainage Basin
On November 1, 1992, the River Commissioners were directed to
begin distributing water under the Water Distribution Plan for
the Utah Lake Drainage Basin.  At this time, no major problems
have developed.  However, we are just approaching the time that
irrigation and increased municipal demands will be placed upon
the system.
In order to provide you with timely information about the
distribution of water, under the plan, I have developed a water
supply update which shows the accounting for both system and
priority storage, and other pertinent data.   If this proves
useful, I propose to issue a monthly update for the remainder of
the year. In doing so, I want to keep all water users apprised of
the handling of system and priority storage, and any other water
distribution issues which arise.
Should you have concerns about the distribution of water under
this plan, or questions about the enclosed data, please feel free
to contact this office.
                                        Robert L. Morgan, P.E.
                                        State Engineer
Utah is experiencing significant growth in those counties located along
the Wasatch Front.  Associated with this growth we are seeing more demands
being placed on out limited water resources, such as the conversion from
irrigation to municipal water use.
With the projects currently under construction and those planned for the
future, it would appear that Utah Lake and its major tributaries will be
facing a number of changes in the manner in which these systems have
historically been operated.  This is not to imply that such changes will have
a negative impact, rather with proper planning these changing water use
practices can be handled and existing water rights protected.  In addition,
there are a number of major transbasin diversions into the Utah Lake drainage
which need to be better regulated.  Diversions between the basins or subbasins
presently total over 300,000 acre-feet annually.
There have been a number of requests made of the State Engineer in recent
years to make decisions on matters which significantly affect water
distribution in the Utah Lake drainage basin.  After reviewing this matter, it
appears that some direction is needed to better clarify the relationship
between water rights in the basin; particularly between storage rights in Utah
Lake and storage rights on the upstream tributaries.  The State Engineer
believes that in order for the river commissioners to properly administer the
numerous diversions, the extent of the rights and their relationship, one with
another, needs to be fully understood by everyone involved.  In simple terms,
we need to begin to manage the water rights on the Provo River, Spanish Fork
River, Utah Lake, Jordan River, and other sources in the basin as one system.
The objective is not to remove local control or involvement in the management
of the waters.  Rather, the objective is to ensure the equitable distribution
of water, according to the respective water rights, and to address problems
from a more regional point of view.
The State Engineer prepares this interim distribution plan under authority of
Sections 73-2-1, 73-5-1, -3, and -4, Utah Code Annotated 1953, to distribute
the waters in the Utah Lake drainage basin.  Some of the issues which are
presented in this document are beyond the State Engineers' administrative
authority in distribution matters, and it is not his intent to resolve
such issues in implementing this plan.  Such items will be addressed and
ultimately resolved in the court adjudication process as set forth under
Chapter 4, Title 73, Utah Code Annotated.  This interim distribution plan is
NOT part of the adjudication process, nor will it prejudice anyone's claims
during such action.
This document is intended to establish a general framework within which the
respective rights can be administered.  The distribution guidelines follow
the priority doctrine of "first in time, first in right"; and where rights
are equal in priority, each of those rights receives a proportionate share
of the total water available to divert under that priority.  The State
Engineer realizes that flexibility will be required as the plan is implemented,
and many problems that arise will need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.
It is also noted that there are many agreements between water users, and such
agreements will be taken into account, when appropriate.  Transbasin
diversions (imported water) into the Utah Lake drainage will be administered
in accordance with their individual water rights.
The issues presented in this document have been divided into five subject areas:
     1.    Water rights in Utah Lake
     2.    Relationship between storage rights in Utah Lake and upstream
     3.    Direct flow water rights
     4.    Other distribution issues
     5.    Issues to be resolved through the general adjudication procedure
For each subject there is a background section and a distribution guidelines
section.  The background section is intended to give the reader some general
information about the issue and some justification for the distribution
Active Storage (Utah Lake):  The storage capacity of Utah Lake between
compromise elevation and 8.7 feet below compromise (the maximum active
storage is 710,000 acre-feet).
Adjudication:  The judicial process by which all water right claims in a
given hydrologic area are evaluated, defined and then established by court
decree pursuant to Chapter 4, Title 73, Utah Code Annotated.
Booth Decree:  A 1909 court case:  Salt Lake City Corp., Utah and Salt Lake
Canal Co., East Jordan Irrigation Co., North Jordan Irrigation Co. and South
Jordan Canal Co. (Plaintiffs) versus J. A. Gardner and A. J. Evans
(Defendants).   The Booth Decree covered water rights in Utah Lake and the
Jordan River.
Compromise Elevation:  The maximum legal storage elevation in Utah Lake.
Compromise elevation was first established in 1885, and was recently modified
in 1985 to be 4489.045 feet above mean sea level.  When the lake is at this
elevation, the total storage capacity is approximately 870,000 acre-feet, of
which 710,000 acre-feet is active storage capacity and 160,000 acre-feet is
inactive storage capacity.  Whenever the level of Utah Lake is above the
compromise level, the control gates are required to be fully opened.  The
exception to this rule occurs when fully opening the control gates causes the
Jordan River to exceed a maximum flow rate that is specified in the 1985
Compromise Agreement (Civil No. 64770)
Delivery Schedule:  A schedule listing the allowable diversion rate in cubic
feet per second per acre, for specific time periods during the irrigation
Direct Flow Right:  A water right that diverts water from a surface source
according to its respective priority date.
Distribution Plan:  Guidelines for the distribution of water within a drainage
basin or hydrologic system.
Diversion Requirement:  The amount of water needed to satisfy the beneficial
uses set forth under a water right.
Inactive Storage (Utah Lake):  The portion of Utah Lake that is not accessible
to the pumps, and therefore, cannot be diverted.  The inactive storage is
currently estimated to be 160,000 acre-feet (8.7 feet below compromise)
Irrigation Duty:  The annual quantity of water in acre-feet per acre
considered to be reasonably necessary to meet the beneficial use requirements
of irrigated land.  The irrigation duty takes into consideration the
consumptive use requirements of crops, irrigation efficiency and conveyance
Morse Decree:  A 1901 decree resulting from a series of court cases: Case No.
2861 - Salt Lake City Corp. (Plaintiffs) versus Salt Lake City Water and
Electrical Power Co. (Defendant); Case No.  3449 - J. Geoghegan (Plaintiff)
versus Salt Lake City Corp.(Defendant); and Case No. 3459- J. Geoghegan
(Plaintiff) versus Utah and Salt Lake Canal Co. (Defendant).  This decree
defined the water rights on the Jordan River with respect to each other.
Priority Storage:  Legal storage under a water right.  Such water stored is
not subject to call by other right(s) and can be diverted and used in
accordance with the right.
Primary Storage (Utah Lake):  The first 125,000 acre-feet of active storage
in Utah Lake which is set aside to satisfy the diversion requirement of the
primary rights in Utah Lake in years of successive drought.  See figure 1.
Primary Storage Rights (Utah Lake):  The water rights defined in the Morse
decree to have storage rights in Utah Lake.
Proposed Determination Book:  The State Engineer's report and recommendation
to the district court in general adjudication proceedings of all the water
rights within the adjudication drainage area.
Provo River Decree:  A 1921 decree resulting out of the court case:  Provo
Reservoir Company vs. Provo City (Case No. 2888).  The Provo River decree
defined certain water rights in the Provo River drainage.
Secondary Storage Rights (Utah Lake):  The storage rights in Utah Lake
established by applications to appropriate water and as confirmed by the
Booth Decree.
Storage Right:  The legal right to store water in accordance with a water
right's respective priority date.
Subbasin:  Individual drainage system within a larger drainage basin.  For
example, the Provo River system can be considered to be a subbasin within
the larger Utah Lake drainage basin.
System Storage:  The total active storage water in Utah Lake, excluding the
primary storage, plus water stored in upstream reservoirs under junior
priority date water rights.  The maximum value of system storage is 585,000
acre-feet and varies during the year as shown in Table 3.  System storage,
whether in Utah Lake or upstream reservoirs, is subject to call to satisfy
the diversion requirements of primary and secondary Utah Lake storage rights.
Real-time gages:  A measuring device that allows instantaneous access to data.
Transbasin diversions:  Imports or exports of water from one drainage basin or
distribution system to another.
Welby-Jacob Memorandum Decisions:  Seven memorandum decisions issued in 1989
by the State Engineer regarding change applications which provided for the
transfer of high quality Provo River water from the Welby and Jacob districts
of the Provo River Project for use by the Salt Lake County Water Conservancy
District (SLCWCD).  The water supply for the Welby and Jacob districts was
replaced under both primary and secondary storage rights acquired in Utah
    A. Background
    There is not a clear understanding of how the uses of Utah Lake water
    relate to the quantity of storage in Utah Lake.  The approach set forth in
    this document looks at the water rights served from Utah Lake in terms of
    beneficial use, which is referred to as the "annual diversion requirement."
    Water in Utah Lake is stored in order for the users to meet their diversion
    requirement.  Thus, the storage capacity of Utah Lake does not define the
    water rights.  Rather, it is the quantity of water necessary to satisfy
    the beneficial uses that is the limit and measure of the water rights.
    The relationship of one water right to another is also not generally
    understood.  The water rights in Utah Lake were set forth in both the Morse
    (1901) and Booth (1909) decrees.  The Morse decree identified two groups
    of water rights:  1) Direct flow rights on the Jordan River; and 2) Water
    rights in Utah Lake.  The Booth decree (1909) allowed for additional
    appropriations of water from Utah Lake and set a maximum limit on the
    diversions under the storage rights that were set forth in the Morse
    decree.  This maximum limit was 185,000 acre-feet annually and in part is
    based upon a 3.0 acre-feet per acre duty.  In this proposed distribution
    plan, we refer to the rights that were defined in the Morse decree as
    primary storage rights, and all subsequent rights established under
    applications to appropriate water as secondary storage rights.
    In 1989, the State Engineer approved a number of change applications, in
    conjunction with the so-called Welby-Jacob exchange, to transfer the use
    of water under the primary and secondary storage rights in Utah Lake.  In
    evaluating these change applications, the sole supply irrigated acreage
    for each water right was determined.  For the purposes of this document,
    the same sole supply acreages as set forth in the respective memorandum
    decisions, are used to calculate the allowable annual diversion requirement.
    The acreage amounts used in this plan, and in the Welby-Jacob Exchange
    Project, are subject to adjudication by the court.  This distribution plan
    does not purport to adjudicate these acreage amounts.
    In the "Proposed Determination of Water Rights in Utah Lake and Jordan
    River Drainage Area, Salt Lake County, West Division" (Proposed
    Determination), the State Engineer has recommended an irrigation duty of
    5.0 acre-feet per acre.  This duty also appears reasonable for those lands
    located east of the Jordan River.  The proposed determination book
    covering the west side of the Jordan River indicates that potential
    conveyance losses for canals over one mile in length are not included in
    the irrigation duty.  Such losses are to be determined in a supplemental
    report to the court in conjunction with the general adjudication proceedings
    Since the potential conveyance losses have not been finalized, a diversion
    requirement of 5.0 acre-feet per acre is used to determine the total
    annual diversion requirement for the irrigation rights.
    Before getting into the distribution guidelines, a review of some basic
    information on Utah Lake may be helpful.  The total storage capacity of
    Utah Lake at compromise elevation (4489.045 feet) is approximately
    870,000 acre-feet.  Of this, approximately 160,000 acre-feet is inactive
    storage (verbal communication, Brad Gardner, Utah Lake-Jordan River
    Commissioner).  The inactive storage elevation is 8.70 feet below
    compromise elevation.  The active storage capacity of Utah Lake is 710,000
    acre-feet.  The average annual inflow (1951-90) to Utah Lake from all
    sources is about 726,000 acre-feet.  Of this, 346,000 acre-feet is
    discharged to the Jordan River and about 380,000 acre-feet is lost to
    B. Distribution Guidelines
    In distributing the waters of Utah Lake among the primary and secondary
    storage rights in the Lake, the following guidelines will be followed:
       1. The annual diversion requirement for the primary and secondary
       storage rights in Utah Lake are as set forth in Table 1.
       2. The water users of Utah Lake are responsible to maintain the pumps
       and channels in Utah Lake to allow water to be withdrawn from the lake
       down to 8.70 feet below compromise elevation.
       3. In order to protect the primary storage rights during consecutive
       years of drought, the first 125,000 acre-feet of active storage capacity
       in Utah Lake shall be dedicated solely for the use of the primary
       storage rights when all other active storage has been used.  This
       125,000 acre-feet of storage is hereafter referred to as "primary
       4.The remaining 585,000 acre-feet of active storage in Utah Lake up to
       compromise level, which may be stored in Utah Lake or in upstream
       reservoirs (subject to call by Utah Lake water rights, as set forth
       under Section 4.2 of this document), shall be referred to as "system
       storage".  System storage is to be used to supply the annual diversion
       requirements of both primary and secondary storage rights.
  Table 1 - Annual diversion requirement for primary and secondary storage
  rights in Utah Lake.  The quantities of water for the irrigation rights are
  based on the irrigated acreages (sole supply acreage) set forth in the
  Welby-Jacob memorandum decisions and an irrigation duty of 5.0 acre-feet
  per acre.  For the municipal and industrial rights the allowable annual
  diversion as set forth under the water right(s) was used.
    WR                                               Irrigated
  NUMBER        Primary Storage Rights (1870)         Acreage     Acre-Feet
  59-3499      Utah and Salt Lake Canal Company       7,063.65     35,318
  59-5269          SLCWCD(1) - Salt Lake County       2,071.01     10,355
                   Water Conservancy District
  59-3500      South Jordan Canal Company             4,850.05     24,250
  59-5270          SLCWCD(1)                          1,076.92      5,385
  57-7637      East Jordan Irrigation Company         8,092.96     40,465
  59-5268          SLCWCD(1)                          1,587.04      7,935
  59-3496      North Jordan Irrigation Company        1,069.99      5,350
  57-5272          SLCWCD                             2,099.72     10,499
     5722          SLCWCD(1)
  57-7624      Salt Lake City                         Municipal    11,000
  57-7624          CUWCD                              Municipal    25,000
  59-3517      Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation         Ind       13,750
             Total for Primary Rights                             189,307
             Secondary Storage Rights                 Acreage     Acre-feet
  59-13        Utah Lake Distributing Co. (1908)      7,945.37     39,727
  59-5271          SLCWCD(1)                            687.81      3,439
  57-23        Draper Irr. Co. & Sandy Canal Co.      2,100        10,500
  59-5273          SLCWCD                               400         2,000
  59-14,       Central Utah Water Conservancy           Ind        57,073
  15 & 20      Dist. (Kenn. Storage Rights 1912)(2)
             Total for Secondary Rights                           112,739
             Overall Total                                        302,046
(1) Rights/shares held by respective irrigation companies in behalf of Salt
    Lake County Water Conservancy District by agreement dated Sept. 19, 1988.
(2) Does not include any storage which may be claimed/allowed under 59-23
       5. All water stored upstream which is subject to call under the
       priority of the Utah Lake rights (system storage) shall be delivered
       to Utah Lake, according to priority, when either the active storage in
       Utah Lake is at or below 125,000 acre-feet or the diversion requirements
       of earlier priority water rights in Utah Lake are not satisfied.
       6. When all the system storage in Utah Lake and upstream reservoirs has
       been used, the secondary rights shall cease diversions.  At such time,
       the active storage in Utah Lake shall be at or below 125,000 acre-feet.
       7. After all of the system storage in Utah Lake and in upstream
       reservoirs has been used, and secondary rights have ceased diversions,
       the primary storage shall be allocated to the primary rights in the
       following percentages and will be available on demand within the
       constraints of the respective water rights:
         Table 2 - The percentage of primary storage in Utah Lake
                 allocated to each primary water right.
 WATER RIGHT NUMBER(S)                     OWNER
  59-3499                 Utah and Salt Lake Canal Company             18.7%
  59-3500                 South Jordan Canal Company                   12.8%
  57-7637                 East Jordan Irrigation Company               21.4%
  59-3496                 North Jordan Irrigation Company               2.8%
  57-7624                 Salt Lake City                                5.8%
  59-5268/5273, 5722      Salt Lake County Water Conservancy District  18.0%
  57-7624                 Central Utah Water Conservancy District      13.2%
  59-3517                 Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation             7.3%
    A. Background
    The relationship between upstream storage water rights and storage rights
    in Utah Lake must be clarified so all of the storage reservoirs within
    the Utah Lake drainage basin can be regulated in accordance with their
    respective priority dates.  The upstream storage reservoirs have a unique
    relationship with Utah Lake storage rights.  This section addresses only
    the storage rights.  Direct flow rights are addressed independently in
    Section V.
    The upstream storage rights generally have later priority dates than the
    Utah Lake storage rights, with only a few exceptions.  However, in
    analyzing the storage rights within the basin, it appears that in most
    years, the existing storage reservoirs can divert and use water without
    impairing the prior rights in Utah Lake.  Although during drought years,
    this has not always been the case.
    The State Engineer has studied the historical practices and water supply
    conditions in the basin.  From these studies, it appears that adequate
    safeguards can be developed to allow upstream reservoirs to divert and
    store water during most periods of time without impairing prior water
    rights.  However, these safeguards generally require that predictions of
    the total water supply be made early in the year.  Predicting whether the
    rights in Utah Lake will receive their full annual diversion requirement
    is difficult early in the year.  As the year progresses, and the water
    supply conditions become more apparent, these predictions can be made with
    a higher degree of confidence.  In order to allow later priority upstream
    rights to store water, criteria are needed to determine when the rights
    in Utah Lake will likely be satisfied.  Until the prior storage rights in
    Utah Lake are satisfied, water stored upstream will be held as system
    storage, subject to call by water rights in Utah Lake.  Also, provisions
    to replace or exchange water to Utah Lake during drought periods to allow
    storage upstream will be considered.
    Applying the following guidelines will ensure with a high degree of
    certainty that the rights in Utah Lake will be satisfied.  These
    guidelines dictate when the upstream reservoirs can convert their system
    storage to what is referred to as priority storage.  After the water is
    converted to priority storage, it is no longer subject to call to Utah
    Lake and can then be released from the reservoir and used.
    Under this proposal, storage waters will be accounted for based on a
    November through October period.  The irrigation season in much of the
    Utah Lake drainage runs from about April through October, except in the
    higher elevations.  During the non-irrigation season, the water demand is
    much lower than during the irrigation season and generally the storage
    season begins in November.
    B. Distribution Guidelines
    In order to maximize the beneficial use of the water and still protect
    prior rights, the State Engineer will use the following criteria to
    govern the distribution of water between storage rights in Utah Lake and
    reservoirs on upstream tributaries.
       1. Upstream storage rights junior to Utah Lake water rights may store
       water under their respective priority dates relative to each other and
       subject to the conditions set forth in this section.
       2. System storage is defined as the top 585,000 acre-feet of active
       storage capacity in Utah Lake and is used to satisfy the diversion
       requirement of both primary and secondary rights.  Any portion of this
       585,000 acre-feet stored upstream which is subject to call by Utah
       Lake, as provided for under paragraph 5., shall also be accounted for
       as system storage.
       3. Priority storage is defined to be the legal storage under a
       reservoirs' water right and is not subject to call by any other water
       4. Any water stored by junior appropriators before the total system
       storage in or available to Utah Lake exceeds the quantities set forth
       in Table 3, is subject to call by the rights served from Utah Lake.
       5. System storage held in upstream reservoirs shall not be diverted for
       use and must be held in storage and available for release to Utah Lake,
       until such storage is converted to priority storage according to the
       criteria in Table 3 or replacement water is provided.
       6. Whenever the total system storage exceeds the values set forth in
       Table 3, any excess system storage shall be converted to priority
       storage.  Water is converted from system to priority storage according
       to the priority dates of the respective rights, and in accordance with
       any other restrictions applicable to a particular water right.
       7. Once water has been converted to priority storage or is designated
       as priority storage by the river commissioner at the time it is stored,
       it can be released from the reservoir and used as provided for under
       the respective water right.
       8. Any time the storage capacity in Utah Lake drops below the primary
       storage capacity (the first 125,000 acre-feet of active storage
       capacity), upstream storage rights with later priority dates will not
       be allowed to divert water to storage.
       9. Any time the active storage capacity in Utah Lake drops below the
       primary storage level (125,000 acre-feet), the Utah Lake rights may
       call on the system storage water which has been held upstream.  The
       quantity subject to call is limited to the lesser of either the
       quantity of system storage held upstream or the amount needed to
       satisfy the diversion requirements and bring Utah Lake up to the
       primary storage level.
                 Table 3 - Quantity of total system storage
                required before upstream storage reservoirs
               can convert system storage to priority storage.
             Date                System storage in Utah Lake and/or
                                 Upstream Reservoirs (units: ac-ft)
          November 1                       585,000
          December 15                      585,000
          January 15                       585,000
          February 15                      585,000
          March 15                         585,000
          April 15                         575,000
          May 15                           475,000
          June 15                          400,000
          July 15                          350,000
          August 15                        250,000
          September 15                     200,000
          October 31                       125,000
         NOTE:Values can be interpolated from the table to determine
                  system storage on any particular day.
       10. System storage in upstream reservoirs can be replaced in Utah Lake
       with waters from other sources or other rights.  Once such replacement
       is made, a like quantity of system storage can be converted to priority
       storage and used.  Such replacement or exchange of water shall have
       prior approval of the State Engineer.
    A. Background
    One of the objectives of this proposed distribution plan is to administer
    the waters within the basin as one system.  In so doing, we need to take
    into account what the effects of diversion and water use from a source
    may have on other rights in the basin.  The distribution of water between
    all rights, except those rights specifically denoted in Sections III and
    IV as among themselves, shall be done based upon priority.  This approach
    distributes the water in accordance with the priority doctrine on a basin
    wide basis.
    B. Distribution Guidelines
    In distributing water among the water rights in the basin, except those
    rights addressed in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 as among themselves, the
    following guidelines will be used:
       1. The direct flow water rights on all tributaries will be administered
       according to the respective priority dates.  The affect that diversions
       from one source may have on diversions from another source will be
       taken into account.
       2. The primary direct flow rights on the Jordan River as set forth in
       the Morse decree shall have a call on the water in Utah Lake if the
       accretionary flows to the Jordan River are insufficient to satisfy
       their rights.
    A. Background
    The State Engineer believes that there are several other issues that
    should be considered when examining better ways to manage and distribute
    water in the basin.  Most of these issues are directly related to
    improving the record keeping of imported water and enhancing the
    communication between the five river commissioners who are affected by
    this plan.
    One issue that deserves special discussion is a proposed 5,000 acre-feet
    regulation pool in Jordanelle Reservoir (Section B.1) to be used by the
    Provo River commissioner in distributing water.  Based upon past
    experiences, calculating the natural flow of the Provo River from
    reservoir stage readings at Deer Creek Reservoir has presented numerous
    problems for the commissioners.  It is important that the river
    commissioner not waste his time dealing with such problems.  Because the
    direct flow rights on the Provo River are senior to nearly all the storage
    rights it is necessary for the commissioner to compute natural flow in
    the river.  The precision of reservoir content measurements on Deer Creek,
    and presumably on Jordanelle, are inadequate for daily calculation of
    natural flow based on changes in reservoir content.  Just .10 foot error
    in measurement when Deer Creek Reservoir is nearly full represents about
    300 acre-feet.  Thus, when the wind is blowing it can substantially
    affect the natural flow calculation.  The result is a wide fluctuation in
    the natural flow available to the class A rights on the Lower Provo River.
    With Jordanelle Reservoir now being built, the natural flow computation
    for both Heber Valley rights and the Lower Provo River will be even more
    complicated.  If the commissioner had a regulation pool he could smooth
    out the natural flow bypasses as they should be.
    The administration of exchange applications is another important
    distribution issue.  The basic purpose of exchange applications is to
    facilitate distribution.  Under such an application a water user is
    required to measure the quantity of water released to a stream and then
    a like quantity can be diverted at another location.  In regulating
    exchange applications, the State Engineer attempts to have releases and
    subsequent diversions occur as concurrently as possible to insure that
    other water rights are not adversely effected.  Some exchange applications
    involve waters from more than one distribution system.  In such cases,
    the State Engineer needs to establish lines of authority and/or
    coordination between the river commissioners.
    The State Engineer has reviewed the water rights covering the transbasin
    diversion into and out of the basin.  Nearly all of these water rights
    are certificated and the rights are generally well defined.  Thus, the
    major issue regarding transbasin diversions is to implement better
    accounting procedures.
    Although not addressed in the distribution guidelines, the future water
    quality of Utah Lake is another important issue that must be considered.
    Currently there are many unknowns over what the future operation of Utah
    Lake and upstream storage reservoirs will be.  This makes it very
    difficult to predict the future salinity concentrations in the Lake.
    Under Utah water law, a water user is entitled to have his right
    protected as to both quantity and quality.  We believe that the Central
    Utah Water Conservancy District and the Bureau of Reclamation could
    significantly affect the future salinity levels of Utah Lake by the
    decisions they will be making in the near future.  It appears they are
    very aware of this problem and are looking at alternatives to control the
    salinity level of Utah Lake.
    B. Distribution Guidelines
    The State Engineer is proposing that the following recommendations be
    implemented to facilitate the distribution of water:
       1. All exports of water from a river system shall be regulated by the
       duly appointed river commissioner for the system from which the export
       is made.  Such diversions shall be regulated in accordance with the
       individual water right.
       2. River commissioners shall report diversions on all systems on a
       water rights basis.
       3. All transbasin diversions shall be equipped with real-time gages.
       Such data shall be accessible via a computer using a modem or other
       method as approved by the State Engineer.
       4. The State Engineer is recommending that a 5,000 acre-foot regulation
       pool be established in Jordanelle Reservoir to be used by the
       commissioner for distribution system regulation.  Such a regulation
       pool would be subject to space availability.
       5. In regulating exchange applications, they will be administered as
       closely to a concurrent release and diversion basis as is feasible.
       Under no circumstances will deficits or credits be allowed to be
       carried over from year to year.
    A. Background
    There are a number of issues that are beyond the scope of the distribution
    plan and will need to be addressed in the general adjudication.  However,
    ultimately any actions taken in the adjudication will affect the
    distribution of water.  Therefore, several adjudication issues are
    discussed in this document in order to apprise the water users of
    potential recommendations which may be made by the State Engineer to the
    court in the adjudication.
    On the Provo River system there are no priority dates assigned to the
    class A rights on the Lower Provo River or class 1 through 17 on the
    Upper Provo River.  The distribution of water has worked well under this
    system for over 70 years, and if conditions did not change we could
    continue to operate under the class system.  However, we are beginning to
    see significant changes in the water use practices within the drainage
    basin, especially on the Provo River.  To assess the potential impact as
    a result of a change in water use, and in order to properly administer
    the water rights on a basin-wide basis, it is imperative that the
    respective priority dates between the water rights be established.
    Therefore, as part of the general adjudication process, the State Engineer
    is proposing that priority dates for all water rights in the basin be
    Another issue that needs to be carefully analyzed and considered is the
    irrigation diversion requirement (duty) for irrigated lands in the basin.
    In conjunction with the proposed determination of water rights that the
    State Engineer must submit to the court for its consideration, an
    irrigation duty is recommended.  In making this recommendation the State
    Engineer calculates the consumptive use requirements of the crops and
    considers the on-farm efficiency, canal losses and other related factors.
    The irrigation duty is expressed in terms of acre-feet per acre.
    Related closely to the issue of duty is the issue of whether a delivery
    schedule should be implemented to specify an allowable diversion rate
    (Example - 1 cubic foot per second per 60 acres) during any period of the
    irrigation season.  The total volume of water that can be diverted under
    the delivery schedule is the annual irrigation duty that is established.
    B.Recommendations for the Adjudication
    The State Engineer will consider making the following recommendations in
    his report to the court in the general adjudication:
       1. All water rights within the basin shall have a priority date
       determined and assigned to it as part of the adjudication process.
       2. An irrigation diversion requirement (duty) and delivery schedule
       shall be determined and submitted to the court for each subbasin or
       distribution system.