RWAU Water Rights Certification Training Presentations, April 14-16, 2021

Revised: June 15, 2021

The following presentations were made by division staff at the April 14-16, 2021 RWAU Water Rights Certification Training.

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1.  History of Water Rights and Water Right Basics Marc Stilson
2.  The Application Process, Approval Criteria and Hearings (2019) Teresa Wilhelmsen
3.  Proof/Affidavit & Title Kyle Turnbow
4.  Making and Filing Applications Amber Loveland
5.  Water Use Groups and Supplemental Rights Sarah Dehnert
6.  Well Drilling (2019) Jim Goddard
7.  Other State Engineer Roles Ryan Hamilton
8.  Water Rights vs. Water Shares (2019) Chase McDonald
9.  Forfeiture, Nonuse, and Rebuttable Presumption Eric Jones
10.  Public Water Suppliers (2019) Ross Hansen
11.  Adjudication Megan Wanlass
12.  Distribution Dave Horsley
13.  Dam Safety Everett Taylor
14.  Website Demo Jim Reese
15.  Overview/Recap/Q&A James Greer

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