Johnson Canyon Meeting
December 09,1998
Revised: May 12, 1999
A public meeting was held in Kanab to discuss water user issues on Johnson
Creek. A list of
attendees is available, as well as
information from presentations and a
Slides from Jared Manning's Presentation
Slide 01 Title Slide
Slide 02 Water Right Use by Source
Slide 03 Water Rights Structure
Slide 04 Cumulative Water Rights Structure
Slide 05 Navajo Sandstone Properties
Slide 06 Comparison of Hydrologic Properties
Slide 07 Cross-Section Near Johnson Canyon
Slide 08 Johnson Canyon Groundwater Movement
Slide 09 Johnson Canyon Hydrogeology
Slide 10 Regional Groundwater Movement
Slide 11 Sevier Fault
Slide 12 Regional Groundwater Movement
Slide 13 Summary
Outline for Kerry Carpenter's Presentation
Historical Events
Policy and Conditions of Approval
Pertinent Decrees:
McCarty Decree May 26, 1896
Chidister Decree April 28, 1909
Bates Decree May 24, 1926
Priority Lists:
Johnson Canyon Water Right Priority Lists
Written Comments submitted to Water Rights: