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Division of Water RightsOffice of the State Engineer
Upcoming Basic Title Training sessions: March 11, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Vernal Regional Office, 318 N Vernal Ave, Vernal UT March 12, 2025 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Cedar Regional Office, 646 N Main St, Cedar City, UT
A public meeting regarding the development of a groundwater management plan for the Sand Hollow area was held on January 14, 2025. Public comments will be received until April 14, 2025.
The Utah Division of Water Rights and Utah State University have completed an in-depth examination of the division's current data and IT infrastructure, software systems and processes. The Hydroinformatics and Technology Gap Analysis aimed to identify the disparities between existing capabilities and the organizational goals, industry standards, and improvements needed as identified by DWRi personnel. As a follow-on to the gap analysis, USU has also prepared a Technology Modernization Roadmap for the division which lays out a sequenced plan for software development and other activities that will help the division modernize and advance our data collection and management infrastructure.
The Utah Division of Water Rights and Utah State University has completed a year-long analysis of the Great Salt Lake basin to identify stream gaging and diversion measurement infrastructure gaps. The Measurement Infrastructure Gap Analysis in Utahs Great Salt Lake Basin provides a comprehensive inventory and analysis of existing diversion and stream measurement infrastructure along 19 primary river systems within the GSL watershed, as well as a preliminary investigation of measurement infrastructure gaps immediately around the Great Salt Lake.
About Us
The Utah Division of Water Rights (DWRi) is an agency of Utah State Government
within the Department of Natural Resources that administers the measurement, appropriation, apportionment, and distribution
of the State's valuable water resources.